

You are my entire existence.
Hi,Hello there!I just wanna to come in and say thank you for choosing this book to read! I hope you enjoy it.

Nobody will believe if I saw an alien. I don't know what the hell is that alien looks like but I do know the aliens are existed because me and her left the story about that strategy of alien. Ever since the time that I was discharged from the hospital ,I have been always lonely and can't stop looking up the sky.

My name is Kanto and also I am an introvert. I used to live in the small city near the wood. I don't have many friends like others. There is only one friend and unable to replace for me. Her name is Sumeri. I kinda love her. As a 12 years old boy like me can't open his mind.And I also scare of the friendship that I have with her to be destoryed.

"Kanto, let's go''

"Okay. .just a second....I am coming''

"Sumeri,did you bring water? If you don't, you gonna to be short of water''

"Yes,I did. Kanto,this time, we will search definitely to see the alien''

"Bruh!...I don't think so. .it is seventh time now that you said it.''

We laughed'' ...........'' and keeping working.
We walked around 15 minutes to reach the wood.

"Kanto,when do you start to like the stars? "

"Hum. . why do you ask suddenly? I am not sure, too, may be because of you''

She blushed,"Idiot.. nonsense''

Actually, it's true,the reason why I start to like stars,sky,clouds ,all things that related with astronomy is because of her. I couldn't deny it anymore because she was loving with stars and she had a faith in alien. All things that I became to like Astronomy is just because she liked it. It's stupid. "For a hungry man,food become god'' right?
Now the night that we two are waiting for is came over. We started stargazing at 12 with telescope on the roof.

"Sumeri, what is that ? "I pointed to the one glow sparkling star.

Sumeri goggled and smiled,
"It's named as Vega that was awasome,right,Kanto?Vega is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra. Vega's name comes from the Arabic word "waqi," which means "falling" or "swooping."

"Wow...you know everything right. .I can't even believe my ears. How can you explain it all in just a moment of second''

"Kanto,if you are interested in something , it will be more interesting.
It's getting dark ,let go home''

"Tehehe. . how about your alien searching ''

"Don't worry we will find it soon''
"Are you sure'' ,I mocked her.

"I will show you how great I am '',she said solemnly.

"Wait, what? It was from Muhammad Ali,american professional boxer, activist, and philanthropis,right? "

We laughed each other and came back for a day.
We arrived home at 2 AM .

Morning with the full of noice woke me up. Wind is smooth,sunlight is shine and I am dizzy as always in the completion open of day.

"Kanto,hurry up.. come down from the stairs...Sumeri-chan is waiting''

"What?what the fuck did she want?Did she forget something on yesterday ?'',I suddenly moping myself.

"Kanto. ..are you not come down? "

"Yes,I am coming ,please be patient mom''

"Don't talk back to me''

"Ugh. ..that's why I don't like Asian mom''

Then I came down from the stairs and she is still waiting ''Kanto,you late. .''

"Sorry. ..heehee I just woke up''

"You sleephead. .. it's not the thing that gentleman will do'',she said with pouting face. "

Whatever I can't talk anymore when she's cute. .hehehe. .lmao. ..
"So,what did you bring here? "

"Nothing special.. I am just wanna know,Are u free or not? ,it's okay if u are not free. ..hehehhe. ..''

"Be opened minded. ...so where do you want to go? "

She brought me to the wood. "Hey. .where are we going''

"Keep following me. .you will realize soon''

She stoped at the prohibited area which is walled with a large 260 metres high dam.

"Kanto, .listen.. carefully. ...yesterday I was in bed. .I heard sound like nasty. So I stood from bed and looked for it. Then. .I can't belive myself. .I saw green drone like structure animal pass over the front of road and went into the wood. So I ran after him and he disappeared immediately on the ground that now we are standing. It's strange. .''

"Sumeri. ..did u sleep over? You look exhausted. ..Have a some rest?

" Comm'n. .don't push yourself. .''

"Wait. .do u thinking I'm lying to you? Ah. ...trust me plZ. . It is green and. .''

Don't do stupid things. Who is gonna to admit it when someone heard about your imagination? "

"Did u say. .imagination? ..Do you have any ideas what are u talking about?
Okay. .at least come with me
I will proof it if it's not the truth.So will u believe it if I show you? . "
"Okay. .I will''

Okay. ..how long should I walk and where are you going now? "

Sumeri didn't talk back.

"Hello. .!''
"Are u deef,Sumeri-chan? "

"shuzz....quiet!Look at the dam''

"What the hell is that'',I suprised.

The dam ,that is extremely large,it's also
sticked with a ton of blue green algae.

"Kanto,believe me,if we can pass over that dam ,I am sure the proof that I always wanted to show the earth will be shown us''

"Why are u so sure? "

"Do u know what the hell is UFO? ''

"Don't tell me. .did u. .?''

"Yes. .I saw one. Ah. ....whatever let's go''

"Wait!Sumeri ...do u know what the blue green algae are? "

"Of course ''

(Some blue green algae can produce toxic. Blue green algae bloom are harmful for human and it's even strong enough to kill a dog. )

I scared a little for that but I can't help it since when she is in good sprit.

We passed over the big pipe line which is adjacent beside the dam.
"It's bad,if we make one false step meant dead. Don't make yourself to look down''
I am kinda feel that my heart is pounding.
"Sumeri,Come on let's go back home''

"No. .I don't want to lose this chance''

"I believed in Alien.., Sumeri,.. see. .I also know that you are interested in those stuff  but it's not worth to risk your life that's why Sume. ..''while I was talking,I was  slipped off from the dam.

"Hah. ..arrrrr. .........Sumeriiiii. ...''

Was I lucky or did she know in advance? Idk. ...

She immediately grabbed my hand. .

"Don't you dare to let go of my hand''
Hang on. .ar. .....

She pulled me up with all her strength.
"No. .''
Unfortunately she fell under the dam instead of me.

"Sumeri. ..!''I give her hand.

"Arrrr. ...........''I held her hand as far as I could but. ...but. .

"It's okay ,Kanto'' ,she said with tearful face and she let go of my hand.

Suddenly, all of vision became blue and I shouted her name cried out loudly .
And I also fall from the dam.

"Ghz. .it was dream''moping myself on the bed at hospital.

"Why. ..why. .I.. could not save her?
No. .quz was wrong. .why did she save me? ",thinking myself regretfully.

"Where are my?''

The wind was blowing on the right side of the bed. I tilted the window.
"Huh. ..blue curtain? ..yes. I remember now and ''I fell from the dam and. .Sumeri.''
"Wait!Sumeri''I got out of bed and screamed.
"Arr. .my arm. .anyone. ..is there anyone? ...mom!. ....''

At the same time, the doctor and the nurses rarely ran.
"Please calm down. .''

They patiently explained me that my mother was going to take medicine for me, and Sumeri was seriously injured
but she's alive.

That explanation made me feel a little better. I took a nap and rest somehow.

What I have learned is that human beings are very curious, but it is useless if God does not allow it.Do we not know that we are not gods but sinners?This is very true for humans. Even God cannot fulfill our desires; Because we have so many human desires.
"Sucks!. .How stupid and greedy human beings we are?''

Cuz of my arm's condition,I was hospitalized for six months These six months have been a frustrating sisty year for me.

Six months later, as I was being discharged from the hospital, I heard one of the scariest words in my life
"Sorry,Kanto!. ..we lied to you''

"What? Why are you crying mom? "

"I'm really sorry I lied to you. Sumeri fell from the dam and died. Her body has not yet been found. The government has been stopped searching for her body and confirmed her death. "

I. ..There was not even a word to say for me. I fell down at the hospital door and cried uncontrollably.

I can not say I love the person I love, I can not do anything even when she is dying. I can not even see the body of hers. What can I do but cry for a weak person like me?

Everything in the world has changed but not me. Nothing special for me although day after day. I only gave more burden to others.

I cried ​and looked up at the sky and said, '' Sumeri now, I really believe there are  aliens."

Eight years after her death, I changed into different person,I herad some strange news.

The city of yamagata that she and me spent together,  left became more  crowded and noisy. The forest isn't as pleasant as usual it's used to be. The song of the little birds in the woods is like the sound of an evil bird chirping. It has changed.The sound of water and wind in the forest became quieter. The mysterious dam broke, flooding nearby villages. Children drown.

Cuz of those condition,governments made those areas were designated as restricted areas and people were evacuated.
Whatever is changed,I lived with sinful life since then!

When someone apologizes for making a mistake and if he or she forgave ,that means the apologizing person is acquitted,right?But for me,the person that I have to apologize had been died and I can't forgive myself yet.It is easy to say that to forgive ourselves but in reality,that was totally different. It was not as easy as we think. 

After her death,eight years,I learned many facts about living,people's attitudes,the world's the truth,humans are mortal and  the person pretend a good man at heart and could  do any seriously harm to anyone,fake friend. Yes!of course. I had been known the answer of'' what the real world is? ". As for exchange, I fogot how to smile and be happy .

Actually the earth's full of sins. The world is changing devil day by evil day cause of people are becoming more and more jealous each others,grow greeds, hypocrisy abounds and pushing a person until he is to the ground. Spread the word with no right informations by pursuing children and young people and take lives. .

They don't satisfy rapping with adults,
their evil ' eyes turn back into kids.
People trample on each other and make themselves more better.
How cruel the world is! Do you still want to live in that world?So,how do we save this rotten world to be purified. If there is a question, there is always an answer. There were two choices and those two were really similar in everything.
:To save the world,first option is ''to drive out the all humanities'' and ''to wipe out the whole mankinds'' or the second is ''to destory the world''

What did mankinds do since ever the races started. What has the world done for the people we have taken refuge in? Is there anything we do?Ans is nothing!

The Bible says that parents will become sell out their children,sibling will kill each other due to the inheritance  but they are already been. There was nothing that humans can do, the things that they made the world stink.

Fate also makes bad people better as people selling opium did not get caught but there were hungry and malnourished people fishing in the pond were arrested. People who cheat money prosper and those who work honestly live in poverty. Wealthy people want to be richer and oppress and they push the poor more to make more money for them.Rich men become richer but the poor become more poverty. This is how the power of money work?
"For a hungry person, Food is God''

I am now the ages of 20 and a science university  student at Tohoku ,top one science university in Japan!. Although however successful am I? I never enjoy walking the existence of my paths. I have been experimenting and inventing,even I was a brilliant scientist, but I never pleased cause of those stuffs. I just want to be alive again when I was like 10 years old.

And I also become crazy in astronomy.
She loves to look at the stars and giving names. After her absence, I always continue to look and give names them as used to be like hers every day. Finally,I really like stargazing because it feels me like she could feel me smiling in the blue of the night sky. That's the only time,that make me reliefed.

Then I looked up the sky with keeping my teeth tightly and said ''Sumeri I will definitely bring you back to life'' in the breeze.

Written by@Kanto (teaunkan)
Thanks you for everythings.
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