

Climatic apocalypse
Grandma's stories are always fun and poignant . So on Summer holidays I go to her house to sleep hearing her bed time stories and savour the golden mangoes from the courtyard and swim in the cold shower in the pond amidst verdant green nature laid around her house .
This summer I ardently went to her house ,as usual She welcomed me with a bunch of ripened mango pieces.
Later in afternoon I heard people whispering across the street of clearing the thick lush trees opposite to granny's house for a new shopping complex
I could see the pensive expression on her face .
Later at night She told me story of nature and climate
" Once upon a time when the sparks of life withered on the blue lagoon of earth. World wasn't so much of a place of shelter . It housed the vulgar volcanoes waiting to explode,larva in hiatus boiling beneath the benthic earth . A little bud surfaced on the mud ,sunlight and rain showered it's blessings to grow it's roots holding the soil tight. From it's Fruits and buds more came it's companion trees.Forests growled with other living creatures inside weaving a tapestry of livelihood relationship.Then came the man with his selfish desires choped down the hands that fed him ' MOTHER NATURE' Then we saw the wrath of Nature , with her right arm Climate, She sowed the holocaust of flood and draughts depriving mankind from basic necessities. Even today she gets explored and exploited carving her lungs out by cutting trees, creating craters on her face with mining grounds and turning her skin blemish with green house gases. Her daughters undulating rivers and brooks turned to piles of chemical waste dumps. Drinking water became a commodity , When will breathing air become one , Time will tell… Rains and springs no longer visit , Draughts and earthquakes turn to a everyday visitor, Slowly whole world will wrap in the hands of a tycoon with none left to see.,. " I saw the gentle breeze Caressing the lush outside weep with me as she finished staring at the forest throng waiting to be the prey of axes tomorrow…

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