

Old ladies can also love !!!
Yes, older women also fall in love, not because they are characterless but because they want to live ..!!!

She also wants to do two things with him, who understands his feelings, when he makes a call after 5 minutes left from the responsibilities, then give him a price, which will compliment his sweat-soaked face, lightly wrinkled face Whoever calls her face beautiful, she seeks a person who listens to her small things carefully, who hears that she makes pea cheese very good, who will listen to her daughter's pain. Ing is very good, which is not boring to listen to hours to her parent's house ..!!!

She wants a person who has stability, who is at a standstill, a person who has settled himself, who will listen to their problem and give a good opinion to him, a person who says that in the frost, don't drink cold water. , If you recommend taking Umbrella with you in the rainy season, then show anger even to get out in the heat ..!!!
#mannupoetry #writco #write #love #reality #RealityofLife