

I wish I never see you
I wish I never talk to you
I wish I never think of you
I wish I never cry for you
I don't know,why it is being very difficult to say I WISH
Do I'm really wishing for it..??!
I know we are friends..best friends
We talked for soo long at that time,then Why I can't atleast text to you now
I never felt like this before anytime..
what is it called!!?
I never felt shy while talking to you before,from where is it suddenly comes from now
I enjoyed listening to your past love story then
But Why I'm enjoying your breakup story now.
Did I Change!!
I really want to say something,which is being in my heart for soo long
but I don't know how you react
What if you say NO!!
Am I able to take that??
I know it's really wierd..weird to having feelings on friend.
My brain is stopping me from confessing you but my heart is dying to tell
So that,
I'm wishing to forget my new feelings on you
I'm wishing to forget you

NOTE: It's real. not to me but for my friend.Comment wheather she should tell him or not👇
I'll post the updates of their story❤️


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