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I woke up next morning
Took a showers and realized I can’t see my body
I Walked to a mirror
I didn’t see myself
So I went nude and went outside
What would I do if I was invisible
I would help the government
Save lives and do good things
Yea no ima mess with civilization
I waited for someone to open the door to Dunkin doughnuts hopped the counter took all the strawberry frosted doughnuts and walked out
I walked around town messing with civilization
I stole a kids bike
I pushed a baby stroller over
Pushed an old senior lady into the street
Dressed up as Satan costume walked in a church
Revel myself as invisible having then run out screaming
Steal bunch of candy give a trash bag fun of chocolate to daycares
Steal any food from the supermarket
Give to the poor on the street
Make anyone at the ATM give me their money after withdrawing it
I waited for someone to open the door
Set a school fire alarm
I waited for someone to open the door to Dunkin’ Donuts 🍩
Give all the ones nobody wants to beggars on the street
Well I guess i can fly for free 😏
© Neptoon