

Chapter Twenty

Lana's P.O.V

"Lana, I swear I'm really sorry!"Candy said looking at me with a worried face.
"It's ok"I said.

I slowly got up and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Candy? I have a question."Nathan said. Who was still laying down.
"Do you enjoy being a Vampire?"He asked.
"Yeah!"Candy said.
"Why?"He asked.
"Its cool! Speed and strength and also never dieing or growing up. This is cool!"
"Did you know that the minute you get the bite and the venom spreads you die? Do you want to die again?"he asked.
"No!"She said.
"Then whenever Mark tells you to drink you need to drink."He said.
"Its hard to drink... that...."She said.
"Candy, I know that you are used to being a human but you are not a human anymore. You are a Vampire and you need to start acting like one."He said.
"Ok"Candy said nervously.

Nathan got up and walked out.

"Where are you going?"I asked.
"To lie down someplace more comfortable."He said.
"Isn't the bed comfortable?"I asked.
"No, the coffin is."He said.
"Wait, you really sleep in a coffin?"Candy asked.
"Yes, but you don't have to I was born a Vampire you where turned."He said.
"I want to come with you."I said.
"You want to sleep in my coffin?"He asked.
"Yeah!"I said.

I got up and walked over to him.

"I'll see you later Candy."I said.

Nathan and I went into his room. This was the first time that I've ever been into his room. Everything was mostly back. There was a bed in his room but in the center of his room was a coffin. He walked over to it and opened it, it was red inside. I went over beside him.

"This is more comfortable than a bed?"I asked.
"It is to me."He said.

He went inside and laid down and I laid on top of him and he closed it shut.I was laing on his chest I could hear his heart beating. But he said he didn't have one so how..... Then it stopped. His heart just stopped beating. It was beating for a few seconds then it just stopped.

"Nathan?"I asked.
"I just heard your heartbeat."I said.
"That's not possible"He said.
"But I did, I heard it for only a second then it was gone."I said.
"I have a heart?"he asked.
"Yeah, but you told me that it was dead."
"Maybe whenever I'm so close to you I'm alive."He said.
"That is the sweetest thing you've ever told me before."I said.
"Lana, you made my heartbeat."He said.

I smiled.

"I'll keep doing it."I said.
"I'd really like that"He said.

1 and a half hour later.

Nathan's P.O.V

She's still sleeping. I carefully opened the coffin and picked her up and brought her to her room I laid her down on her bed and kissed her on her fore-head.I left the room.

"I love you."She said softly.
"I love you too."I told her.

I walked out of her room. And into the hall and sat down in one of the sofa.

"Hello uncle!"
"Hi Sophie, what's wrong?"I asked.
"I want to go to a real school."She said.
"You will one day."I said.
"When?"She asked.
"When we find a way to change your eyes."I said.
"But I can't, I keep trying it's too much pressure. Lana told me that I had brown eyes so I imagined my self with them."
"Lana told you that?"I asked.
"Yes."Sophie said.
"Did you know that your mom had brown eyes also?"I asked.
"Really?"She asked me.
"I think you have brown eyes too"I said.
"I'll trying to change them"she said.
"I know you will."I told her.

She walked away.

The Next day.

Lanas P.O.V

I got up and got ready. I'm glad this is the last week of school.

"Hmm, Have I ever told you how buetiful you are?"Nathan asked.
"Sometimes"I said.
"Your just so.....precious."He said.
"Don't know why your telling me these things but I like it."I said.
"I should take you out."He said.
"Sure, whenever your ready."I said.
"Why not now?"He asked.
"We have a big exam coming up and graduation."I said.
"I would really love to go out with you, but do you think it can wait until after?"I asked.
"Yeah"he said.
"I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings."I said.
"Of course not precious"He said.

We headed out went inside Sebastian Car and he drove off. We arrived and this time there weren't many people staring. This was good. I actually enjoyed school, except for the fact that Alex was there. He didn't talk to me it was like I was nothing to him anymore.Maybe he has decided to stop. Well that's a relief.
Every other day was the same. It's like everything went back to normal. Nathan and I went on a couple dates (literally everyday after school) Then came graduation and then I was done with school.Candy found out that she wasn't a fast Vampire after all. And she started drinking blood.Life was going great or so I thought.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"Candy said jumping up and down.
"Well aren't you excited."I said.
"I'm going to burn every single book left at my house."She said dancing.
"Well it is pretty great."I said dancing with her.
"Now I can so many things, and not worrying about getting kicked out of school."She said.
"Like?"I asked.
"Uh.... better I don't tell you so you don't try and stop me."She said.
"Ok"I said.
"Now! To the ice cream shop we go!"she said.
"Ok"I said.

When we got there I ordered what I wanted. Candy and I sat down and ate our ice-cream.

"So what's going on between you and Alex?"She asked.
"I don't know."I said.
"Its seems pretty weird that he just stops talking to you like that."She said.
"Yeah, Maybe he doesn't care anymore. I'm just glad he's finally learning his lesson."I said
"I think he's planning something."She said.
"How so?"I asked.
"What was the last thing he told you before the text messages?"she asked.
"He said he was planing some thing"I said.
"About?"She asked.
"I don't remember..... I think it has something to do with Nathan."I said
"So he's been planning on killing Nathan? Maybe this is part of his plan."She said.
"I don't believe it, he probly just feels bad and has decided that it's time he stopped hunting vampires."I said.
"Ok, if you say so."She said.

We finished our ice cream.

"I should probly take you home since the last time I left you something bad happened."She said getting up.
"Candy I'm ok on my own.Who's gonna want to hurt me now?"I said.
"Ok, if you think so"She said.

I got up and started walking, Sebastian park the car someplace around here anyway.

"hey Lana"A voice said.

No,No,No! Why???

"What do you want Alex?"I asked turning around.
"I just haven't talk to you in a while."He said.
"Oh really? Because you have been ignoring me."I said.
"I was...... doing stuff."He said.
"Why am I even talking to you."I said.
"That's because you want to."He said.
"Funny"I said sarcastic.
"I know you miss me Lana."He said.
"And why would I miss you?"I asked.
"Because you are standing right here and talking to me."He said.
"I can leave!"I said.
"Go on then."He said.
"Why are you talking to me now?"I asked.
"Is something wrong with that?"He asked.
"Are you trying to use me as bait again for Nathan?"I asked.
"Maybe."He said.
"You are out of your mind."I said.
"With?"He asked.
"You are jealous!"I said.
"What makes you think that?"He asked.
"You do everything to try and kill my boyfriend! even if you did kill him I wouldn't fall for it."I said.
"Lana as much as how I love you I would not do that. Everything I do is to kill your boyfriend so I can kill his brothers and then his whole family so that my dead father can be proud of me."He said.
"This whole time you've been doing what you're fathers wanted?"I asked.
"I'm a hunter I'm supposed to kill Vampires"He said.
"But have you ever thought about doing what you wanted?"I asked.
"All I want is for all Vampires to die. And by all I mean all including Candy."He said.
"She's your best friend."I said.
"Not anymore now that she's turned into my enemy."He said.
"And if you really want to know what I want, the answer to that question is you."

He pulled me over closer to him.

"Let me go!"I said.
"Why?"He asked pulling me into and Alley and pinning me against a wall. He moved his face closer to mine.
"This is just getting more fun"He said.

He held my hands holding over my head so I coud'nt touch him.

"Now that I have you all to myself why not have fun with you."He said.

He started kissing me.

"Why?"he asked.

He kept on kissing me. I tried to get my hand free but it was no use.He stopped and looked at me.

"You have been with a Vampire for so long and you are that weak you can't get yout hands free. You can't win this fight everything bad that happens to you, you want your Vampire boyfriend to come and save you. It just proves that you can't fight for yourself. You are nothing but a weak little innocent girl."He said staring into my eyes.

I hate to admit it but, what he said was true. When I was kidnapped I was hoping that Nathan would come and save me and when Candy almost killed me I called Sebastian. Everything bad that has happened to me I've always wanted people to come and save me. But I've never saved myself.

"So who's gonna come save you now? Who are you gonna call?"he asked.
"Myself."I said.

He started laughing. The minute he did I stepped on his foot as hard as I could so he would release my arms. I quickly ran away.

"Lana!"I heard him call.

I found Sebastian.

"Why are you running? Who are you running from? And where is Candy?"He asked me.

I just opened the car door and got inside. He went inside the drivers seat.

"If something had happened to you I need to know."He said starting the car.
"Saving myself. Alex. Home."I said answering his questions from before.
"What!"He said.
"Can you please just drive?"I asked.
"Ok."He said.

On the drive back he kept on asking questions and I ignored them.When I got out of the car Nathan took me to my room.

"I missed you"he said.

He was about to kiss me but he stopped the minute his mouth touched mine.He backed away.

"Your sent?You left smelling like a strawberry and now you smell different. Where you running? You kind of smell sweaty."He said.

He looked at me waiting for an answer.

"You also seem worried."He said.

I sighted.

"It was Alex."I said.
"What did you do?"He asked.

I looked at him, Now he was showing his eyes and he had a serious expression.

"What are you gonna do?"I asked.
"What?"He asked turning back to normal.
"Every time something happens to me you always get angry and then you'd kill the person. So go and ask kylo for his location and kill him."I said.
"Why are you saying this?"He asked.
"You are always saving me."I said.
"Am I not supposed to?"He asked.
"I can save my self."I said.
"And I know you can."He said.
"So why won't you let me do somthing of my own?"I asked.
"Because I don't want you die"He said.
"Since when have I almost die? Before the incident with Candy."I asked him.

He didn't reply.Wait a minute.

"How long have you been watching me?"
"Two years ago."He said.
"You where with Olivia two years ago. Where you watching me while you where with her?"
"Yeah."he said.
"Nathan did you know that she was cheating on you?"I asked.
"Yeah."He said.
"Nathan How long have you been watching me?"I asked him again.
"Since you where adopted."He said.
"You've been watching me since I was 10 years old!? Did you even love Olivia that much?"I asked.
"Yes. And No"He said.
"How many time have I almost died?"I asked.
"Noah tried to kill you multiple times and tried to blame it on Marsa so I'd always stopped him."He said.

I took a step back almost falling down on the floor but he held on to me.

"You've been protecting me, my whole life."I said softly.

A tear came down my face.

"Yeah."He said.

I hugged him.

"I'm sorry."I said.
"You were gonna find out anyway."He said.
"I'm sorry for everything."I said.
"Lana, there is no need for you to be sorry. None of that was your fault."He said.
"I still am."I said.
"Ok."He said.

He looked down at me and kissed me on my cheek.

"I want you to change and burn those cloths I don't like the sent of them."He whispered in my ear.
"Ok"I said.
