

'Hey Karen, sorry I kept you waiting for hours. The receptionist told me you were around but I had lots of important clients and I had to see all of them first. I am even scheduled for a photoshoot soon so let's make it quick. Say ten minutes max.I hope you understand?' Harmony asked but in her eyes I saw that she probably couldn't care less if I understood or not.
'Well...I don't have a choice,do I? I have been calling you on phone for ages. I wouldn't have badged in on you like this but since you wouldn't take my calls...' my voice trailed off. I hated myself for always sounding weak before my younger sister. She never takes me seriously. No one does.
'Well, it's fine..I probably missed your calls because I have been really busy with my forthcoming show.But what's up?'Harmony hurriedly looked at her designer wristwatch with a frown . I understood that impatient gesture well. I was running out of time.
'Mama is very sick,'I blurted out.
'Well,last I checked I am not a doctor, take her to the freaking hospital.Jeez, is this why you have been calling me for ages and even came to bother me at work?'she asked with a frown.
I looked at the sophisticated stranger before me. Dressed in an expensive cream coloured jacket and high waist skirt with 6 inch cream coloured stilletos. Not a strand of hair was out of place. Her alluring fragrance filled the air around us and gave it an aura of its own. I suddenly felt very small, like I was the younger one. it's funny how time and life changes people. It only seemed like yesterday Harmony would come into my dormitory to ask for beverage, money and even school uniforms. I often wondered why hers were never enough for her. But then,she had a ton of friends. Friends for food only. Friends for good times only. When I complained about her choices, she would laugh and say I was too serious about life. She would say,' you are my bestie though'. Hugging me tightly,she always smelled fresh and clean like the lux bathing soap mama used to buy then. I thought about the last time we hugged and realised it must have been when we were sixteen.
'Mama has cancer and needs to start chemotherapy immediately. I would have commenced treatment but I don't have the money right now so that's why I had to come'.
' Well no problem, I will have Martha,my personal assistant write you a cheque immediately, I have to get back to my photoshoot.Take care Karen.' Harmony said with an air of finality as she turned and took long strides away. Very emotionless. No expression of shock at mama's health condition. No small talk. No inquiries about mama or stating when she would come visit. I stared at her retreating figure sashaying away with her signature walk that brought her fame and fortune in the modelling world. I sighed and got up to leave the waiting room with a thousand questions on my mind. Would things always remain this way between us? I miss carefree, happy go lucky harmony. This sleek expensive looking stranger should bring back my sister to me. I feel like Harmony died for this stranger to live. Harmony's death must have birthed this strange doppleganger.
'Wait ma'am, you have a cheque from your sister, ' A petite looking woman called me back,handing the little white paper to me.
'Thank you,' I managed in a small voice, swallowing hurriedly as I saw the amount. 10 million Naira.
'Please thank her for me,'
'Ok,I sure will.Bye ma'am'
As I walked outside to my battered Toyota Camry 2010 model parked outside, I thanked God that Harmony was successful and could offer this amount for the treatment of mama. Because if mama's life depended on me and my meagre teacher's salary, I shudder to think of what would become of her. However, I knew this was the last time I would probably come here again for assistance. The Harmony I knew in the past was long gone. I would leave this stranger alone. I wouldn't bother her anymore.

© Linda Ogbogu(Chesmo)