

Four Cops And A Elderly Woman
It was August 2 1992 an elderly woman named Blanche and her husband Alberto was at home together. Blanche I need my oxygen tank please bring me my oxygen tank I can’t breathe said Alberto alright alright here I come there now start keeping your oxygen tank next to you alright you know you are going to need it replied Blanche. Later on Blanche discovered that her and Alberto didn’t have any food left in the house Blanche needs to go to the store but she can’t leave the house because she is on house arrest Blanche didn’t care about that house arrest bracelet on her left leg she left out of the house anyway to go to the grocery store. Alberto I am going out to the super market I will be back said Blanche as Blanche was driving she started speeding up real fast she wasn’t being careful she hit three trash cans and she hit a stop sign. Blanche was driving too fast too fast for her own goods there were teenager boys walking and they saw Blanche driving so fast the teenage boys ran out of the way then the cops started chasing Blanche they chased Blanche all the way to the supermarket. Why did the cops follow me? Blanche wondered then more cops came it was five police cars out stop right there said cop 1 you were driving wreckless said cop 2 and you destroyed public property ma,am you are under arrest said cop 1 you boys ain’t gonna take me down replied Blanche two more cops walked up as Blanche started rebelling then all four cops jumped on Blanche they held her down and arrested her they put her in handcuffs and carefully walked to the car. That evening Blanche was on the news an elderly light skin heavy set woman was speed driving in a blue 1970 Cadillac on the highway and driving wreckless the cops tried to put her hands behind her back but she started rebelling and four cops jumped on her to hold her down so she wouldn’t get away they finally put the handcuffs on her and took her to the police car. Alberto saw the news he thought it was funny he knows his son Nipsey saw it he and him both will be out tomorrow to go bailed Blanche out of jail.
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