

Their deed
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.

I screamed and tossed it across the room. The sound of it falling echoed around, followed by silence. It was eerily quiet, I could hear myself breathe. Harsh intakes and prolonged exhales. I collected myself and tried paying attention to the surroundings.

It was dark, faintly lit by the soft moonlight which seemed to gleam in through a window behind me. My eyes slowly accommodated to the low light. One by one, things around me appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. It wasn't dark anymore.

I tried really hard to recall what happened, but miserably failed. My body felt too exhausted to move. There was a dull pain everywhere, I couldn't pin point.

I tried moving around a bit, but it was slippery. I was in a bathtub, completely dressed. I was wearing my favourite grass green pyjamas. My left sleeve had a moss coloured stain. I brought my hand closer to get a better view. The stain started getting larger and spreading, forming an cloud shaped blob on the front of my shirt.

I was bleeding. I looked around to find myself surrounded by blood. Oh, there was so much. And it was all mine. What happened?

My head was hurting so bad. My vision was blurring. The last thing I could remember was having an ice cream with my father. It was plain old vanilla. Oh, how much I loved vanilla. Jenny hated it. Mr Rosco absolutely detested it. I giggled at the memory, but stopped as it aggrevated my pain.

Then, it clicked. I could ask them. I tried reaching out to them. There was no response. Funny, they seemed ever ready to see the light.

Mr Rosco?
Where are you?

I was awarded with silence. I leaned back, completely drained out. I tried calling out for help, but there was not a sound. The silence was deafening.

My eyes drooped shut. I had no strength left to do anything. I started to hear faint whispering from somewhere afar.

"It's all for our own good, darling", said Mr Rosco in a calming voice.
"We couldn't carry on living like this" affirmed Jenny. She sounded the most confident she had ever been.

"You know we love you"
A ghost of a smile flitted across my face.

I still remember the day I met them. They lightened up my dark, dark life like no other. The last feeling I had was gratefulness, as I let the darkness consume me.