

The adventures of Manikandan-Episode 3
That knock was answered by my mom. She kinda seemed exited. And through that door, entered my aunt aka my mother's sister. Well, did you expect my uncle to walk in
through that door, not gonna happen,. We haven't seen him since when I turned 8. Anyways, that explains mom's exitement. When the attention was still diverted away from me, I quickly snucked back into my room. I have never really liked my aunt even though she brings me boondi. She is just annoying and is always complaining about our low number of electric appliances.
Well, when I went down after everyone had settled down and was possibly less angry, mum announced,"Urmila ( my aunt) will stay here for a few weeks because her house is getting refurnished." I was kinda relieved after hearing this because now I knew for sure that things couldn't get any worse. (wouldn't you feel the same if you're aunt stayed with you for 'a few' weeks)( probably not). And sure enough, she didn't like our 'way of living'. She always kept suggesting mum to start using an electric kettle or a washing machine. This kept grandpa tensed and same goes for me but now it's sure that everyone has forgotten about the incidents that happened yesterday.

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