

the broken pt 3
I had dosed off after I finished crying. I awoken later in the day to hear Derricks voice in my kitchen. I truly I zero motivation to care anymore, just as long as he stays away from me I'm fine. Then I heard footsteps coming near my room door. "Noooo." I thought to myself. why does this always happen to me, why can't I just be normal and happy without the pain of a guy. They knocked on my room door interrupting any and all my thoughts. "Darlin' Derrick here would like to talk to you about there last few weeks and days please get dressed and come out to the barn. " Piper says in a whisper tone. I'm assuming Ma is still sleep and she doesn't want her to get involved, or that's not what's really going on. I put my button up checkered shirt on, my favorite pants with holes in the knee areas, my boots with the golden horse on them, and slowly walked outside to the barn. Dragging all sadness and anger behind me. Derrick was standing there petting MY favorite horse, who does he think he is, disrespects me then pops up in my farm touching my horse. "Ah there she is, love Derrick wants to learn how ride a horse. We're going to sell here Lucky for big bucks to him so we can renovate the farm." I stood there in disturbed, how could she sell my favorite horse. " Have you even thought about this. That's Ma's first horse, my favorite horse, even you love Lucky, Why are you selling her!" I said astonished. Piper looked around with sadness feeling her eyes. I knew the far needed to be redone and I knew we were going to need food for our animals, but why this horse we have twenty others. "I love the horse it would look great on the city everyone will admire Lucky, We'll give you $600,000 for this girl." Derrick said with a smirk. I then knew he knew what he was doing. He was stealing my horse for me to have to fight for it back. He wanted me to follow him with my horse and I surely was because I love her, and maybe there was a reason to why he dumped me, hopefully I'm about to find out. As he was leaving Ma woke up and Piper told her everything. Ma was happy to have the money but she had sadness in her eyes for losing Lucky. She still smiled and they began to discuss what was the plans for the farm. "I'm heading out I'll be back later." I shouted running out the door, not too loud I didn't want Derrick to know I was following him just yet. Once we arrived to his house I quickly dashed yo the area for which he'd be keeping Lucky. Wow, this place he's so many horses, maybe he actually wants the horse and not me. My thoughts came in a little too late as he turned on the lights to see me standing there staring at all his horses. I guess this truly was about to be the moment of truth.
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