

I quit writting
Hey guys
hope you are having a wonderful day .
secondly i hope that you all are safe from the pandemic ....
So i started writing when i was in the third grade . i still remember it was my ninth birthday and finely for the first time i was having friends over .... i actually got scolded by my mum and feeling sad about the scenario i wrote my first poem .....
From then i never stopped ....i kept going .... so there was this guy in my class let's call him Andy . he was my biggest competitor . we completed in everything .... who was the top of the class , who was a better singer , dancer , who was better at sports .... you name it we campeated for it ..... we hated each other's guts .... if i were to answer he would cross cut me but i never did the same cause it made me better than him .....
So one day in fifth grade i was meant to lead the assembly from my class ..... well not me singlely but that Andy too ..... tow of my friends Siera and Luke were in too .
So Luke was supposed to be the main speaker .... Siera was supposed to announce the facts for the day ..... i was meant to give a speech and announce the question of the month while Andy was supposed to resite a poem .....
So while picking a poem i presented our Ma'am with some of my poems. .... she was impressed and scinc i was the writter she asked me to resite it .... Andy was furious .... so after class he came up to me and said all my poems were stupid and made fun of me even for trying .... he said nun of my poems rhymed and that made me real sad ...
So i decided to quit i left writing that day ... fast forward a year ... suddenly one day my best friend called me at three am and informed me a a writing contest .... i ofcourse refused but she wouldn't let me sleep and i am an early owl so it bothers me a lot ....... so i agreed ....
then after winning this contest i decided to start writing again .....
so a question for you .... in between have you thought of quiting writing ..... comment yes or no ....

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