

Direct From My Heart ❤️

Hey people! If I am not wrong You are here because of the title Direct from my heart. This is not going to be according to your thought.

Understanding the tittle

This post contains some questions that arose in my heart. But I don't have the answer. From a very long time, I have these a question. I am unable to find an explanation of these questions. So I decided to write here all the questions.

I have a request to all of you who are reading it right now if you know the explanation of any question plz wright to me.

1.If God is one then why people change their religion. This act of conversion violates the statement GOD is ONE! What is true??🤔

2. Why people of different religions want people from other religions should come and join them and follow rituals? 🤔

3. Is their religious God is the CEO of a network company, they will get credit by adding more and more?🤔

4. Is there is a competition between God of a different religion? If not then why people are behaving like it.🤔

5. Is Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Jain Baudh Yahudi………. are a religion or barely a tag that we get after our birth?🤔

6.Why we say "food has no religion".Is this is not another kind of discrimination?🤔

7. Is religious word exist or we created just to symbolize and create distinction among us.🤔

8. We all know achieving anything is not an easy task. Then why people discriminate our PM by saying he is a TEA vendor. Is this is not showing off our weakness?🤔

9. Why we can't see every human as human only?🤔

11.Why we classify people based on religion first and then say we all are human.🤔

12. Why human needs to learn human values, the animals don't need to learn animalism?🤔