

Let's fight the battle together
What you should know about Mental Illnesses

Here are some important key points about mental illnesses, their causes and effects, and how we could help to someone who are suffering from this.

First of all, if you are diagnosed with any mental disorder/s, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We are all vulnerable of something, we all have a capacity, remember that you are not alone in this fight, and those are just labels. We need you and you are important. Believe that you are going to survive this battle. We are with you!

To define mental illnesses, according to American Psychiatric Association, these are health conditions that involve changes in emotion, thinking or behavior. These mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems in functioning in social, work, or family activities.

But, you should also know that there is a treatment for every mental illnesses. We should get help and should not isolate ourselves. There is hope and life that is waiting for you.

If you have a friend who is currently diagnosed with any mental illness/es, you should initiate to speak to them and help them to stand up and fight this illness. Encourage them to live and survive this battle. Make time to talk to them but do not push to stheir limits. Encourage them to go to therapist. Let us help them to have healthy mind.

If you are diagnosed with any mental illness/es, please do not give up. If you want to talk about it message me, or if you know some therapist please go see one. Talking it out would help you to continue the fight. It is not too late, my dear. Let us win this battle together.

Let us not discriminate and put labels on them, they need help, we should encourage them and remind them it will get better every time that they try.

#mentalhealth #Health