


He kept looking at her , when xiaoqi noticed that , she smiled and said :《WOAH ! AM I THAT BEAUTIFUL ? UMM TELL ME FANG-FANG 》he smiled and said :《UMM , NO , Y O U  L O O K  U G L Y , HAHAHAHA 》xiao qi :《HA HA HA , SO FUNNY  ! IAM GONNA KILL YOU  , UH ! WHAT TO DO , I HAVE THE MOST UNROMANTIC BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD  , I HAVE SUCH A BAD LUCK , BUT I LOVE IT HIHIHI 》 after hearing what xiao qi had said , he remembered his past days with her , he even forgot that he is gonna marry another women he just was focused on xiao qi , then he said :《SO YOU ARE READY , UMM , LET'S GO 》xiao qi :《UM , LET'S GO 》then they went , after an hour they finnaly got to college , xiao qi stood at the entrance and looked around , then she said to fang-fang :《FANG-FANG I DON'T KNOW WHY ? BUT I FEEL THAT I HAVE DEEP FEELINGS FOR THIS PLACE , AS IF I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT HERE 》with these words fang-fang knew that this nostalgia and feelings were for shaohan , but he couldn't tell her this fact , so he smiled to her and said :《AH ! IT'S NORMAL TO FEEL LIKE THIS , BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TO COLLEGE SINCE  THE ACCIDENT , DON'T THINK TOO MUCH , OKAY 》xiao qi :《 UM , OKAY 》then they entered   every step xiao qi took , memories surtounded her , and she could hear every word and dialogue she had with shaohan , then she stopped and grabbed fang-fang's hand and said :《 SORRY FANG-FANG I CAN'T GO ANY FURTHER , I HAVE A STRANGE FEELING ALSO IAM HEARING AND SEEYING THINGS , BUT ARE NOT CLEAR , I DON'T KNOW HOW AND WHY ? I WANNA GO BACK HOME PLEASE 》he looked at her and said :《THESE ARE YOUR MEMORIES DEAR , DON'T BE AFRAID , LOOK STAY HERE I WILL GO BRING YOU WATER OKAY , DON'T MOVE I'LL BE BACK 》xiao qi :《 OKAY , BUT DON'T BE LATE 》then he went , suddenly a smale dog was approaching her but she was afraid and started screaming and saying :《PLEASE HELP ME , SOMEONE TAKE THIS DOG FROM HERE , PLEASE 》averyone who passes was laughing at her , then the dog was moving towards her so she takes her steps back , then she had a memory about the same scene which happened in her first day in college  ,  and suddenly a whisteting sound heard behind her and the dog runs towards it but she thought that it was running towards her so she froze in place and closed her eyes , then she heard someone saying :《DOES MY CINDY SCARES YOU 》She opened her eyes and stood silent for a while, because the voice and the dialogue were familiar to her , then she turned to him , to find that he was Shaohan but for her is daoming , she smiled and said :《 OH IT'S YOU DAOMING , I DON'T KNOW  BUT FOR A WHILE I THOUGHT YOU ARE SOMEONE ELSE 》shao han :《WOAH SOMEONE ELESE UMMM , WHO IS THIS SOMEONE , I THINK HE IS SPECIALE 》xiao qi :《 HUH , I DON'T KNOW , JUST FORGET , SO HOW ARE YOU 》shao han :《 IAM FINE , AND I THINK YOU ARE NOT GOOD , YOU LOOK TIRED 》xiao qi :《 UM , YEAH IAM A LITTLE BIT TIRED ,  AH RIGHT , IS THAT DOG YOURS ? 》shao han :《WHO IS THE DOG ? AH ! DON'T CALL MY CINDY LIKE THAT , YOU WILL HURT HER 》 xiao qi :《 UUUH ! OKAY , JUST KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME , AH YEAH I FORGOT , WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE 》shao han :《 WHAT ? DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IAM ? 》xiao qi :《AH ! YOU ARE DAOMING 》 shao han : 《 OK , OK  LET ME INTRODUCE MY SELF , IAM WANG SHAO.... I MEAN WANG DAOMING , THE MOST HANDSOME AND RICHESR PERSON HERE AND THIS COLLEGE BELONGS TO ME , I MEAN BELONGS TO MY FAMILLY  HIHI , ALSO IAM THE LOVE OF AVERY SINGLE GIRL HERE 》xiao qi did not respond to him, but stood amazed, because every word he said was familiar to her. She looked at him for a few seconds and then said:《 DAOMING CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING ? 》shao han :《YEAH SURE ASK 》xiao qi :《 HAVE WE MET BEFORE  , I MEAN HAVE WE MET BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 》shao han :《 AH ! .... NO ... NO WE DIDN'T 》xiao qi :《OH ! OKAY , ANOTHER QUESTION , DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE CALLED SHAO HAN HERE 》 shao han was happy when she asked about him then he said :《 CA...CA..CALLED SHA..SHAOHAN , UUH , CAN I KNOW WHY ? 》xiao qi :《 BECAUSE FROM THE FIRST STEP IN THIS COLLEGE I HAD STRANGE FEELING , ALSO I DON'T KNOW WHY , ALSO JUST ONE NAME IS IN MY HEAD " SHAO HAN " I FEEL LIKE I KNOW THIS PERSON , I FEEL THAT HE IS IMPORTANT TO ME 》shao han was very happy and decided to tell her the truth but before he speak fang-fang came and interrupted their conversation saying :《 XIAO QI TAKE YOUR WATER  , AH HEY DAOMING YOU ARE HERE , HOW ARE YOU DOING 》shaohan said :《 UM , IAM GOOD THANKS 》then xiao qi said :《 AH FANG-FANG SEE WHEN YOU WENT I MET DAOMING WE HAD A LONG CONVERSATION 》fang-fang :《THAT'S GOOD , AH DAOMING SORRY BUT WE HAVE TO GO XIAO QI IS NOT FEELING GOOD 》shao han :《OK , TAKE CARE OF HER , I'LL COME TO SEE HER LATER 》 xiao qi :《THANK YOU DAOMING , I'LL WAIT YOU , GOOD BYE , LET'S GO FANG FANG 》xiao qi went with fang-fang but her heart and soul were with shao han , she had a deel feelings for him but unfortunately she didn't know that it was love .
             TO BE CONTINUED