

Friends what are they, are they those type of people whom you can trust or are they people who make fun of you behind your back and criticize you every single day or are they those people who sit and gossip about your broken life, are they those people who would take what's yours and rub it to your face and tell you that you're being paranoid when you confront them? Well lete tell you more about friends, you see friends are people you can't trust no matter if that friend is nice and caring to you never trust them or even if she's trying to be your friend never ever trust them! They'll betray you and leave you with a big question mark on your face for you to answer it with tears in your eyes. It takes a very strong lady to realize that a friend she has is just fake it even takes a strong lady to know what's beat for her, and if her friendship is the worst them she knows what to do. Ladies if you have a friend and you consider them as a friend please watch out! if you have a boyfriend or a crush on some guy don't tell your friend about it as you know your friend wants what's yours 💯 friends like these are meant to teach us a lesson in life called love them all but trust no one 💔

you know those type of friends who would sit back and watch you cry when they make fun of you? those are fake friends, it's like everyday they get paid to critize you. Ladies listen up never ever and again I say never ever doubt yourself nor your worth you are beautiful just the way you are, you don't need a boy to make you feel beautiful no!! You are unique in your own way.

xxx❤ Amo