

My social media and me, it's complicated
I woke up all of sudden in a jerk when my mobile phone buzzed ten times, continuously. With the heartbeats reaching to hundred, I watched my phone. I was struggling in opening my eyes. With one eye open, I saw those facebook notifications reminding me the birthdays of friends who I literally haven't talked to in ages or aren't interested in me and the events I have been invited to by the people I literally don't care.
I always wanted to turn off my phone's vibration also but could never do it. That morning I really wanted to but what if I miss something very important happening on facebook or instagram or twitter or tinder, I don't know.
My morning starts with my mobile phone in my hands and one half opened eye, the other one is still sleeping. My facebook feed filled with friend's pictures enjoying every moment of their lives and the pages having humorous memes kick start my day.
Having highest number of fan following on instagram has always been my aim but I do fail miserably but never lose hope. Not only being the shining star of instagram but also of facebook is my dream.
Being at a place where everybody is happy is a scrumptious feeling indeed but sometimes make me feel low also especially their workout videos where the toned body make me feel ashamed of my love handles which I don't really love.
Taking all these aspects in my mind, I still open my social media everyday. This addiction does have pros and cons.
If I start with cons, there are many like:
1. Harm to eyes.
2. Harm to mental health
3. Cut off from reality
4. Ignoring important stuff
5. Trying to fit in the circle where we aren't meant to.
and few more which I can't think of right now.
Pros are less we all know but there are few like:
1. Connecting to the people you can't meet.
2. Teaching you many ways of life.
3. Boost your motivation to do the stuff you thought you never could.

There could be many more but for me these are enough to be glued to my mobile phone. My social media is definitely having a love and hate relationship with me but at least it gives me all the time I want.
Excess of everything is bad but my social media doesn't understand it. It is always ready with new stuff everytime. It never forgets to pamper me whenever I feel low. It never makes me feel dejected.
I sometimes treat it harshly. I log out, sign out and sometimes deactivate it to make me feel accomplished but it has such an impact in my life that I just can't survive without it.
Many of us have the same story, thank god we all have our own social media accounts, otherwise it could have been much of a war.
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© Healing scars