

Pretty Misunderstandings... Part 6🥂
...eard Next.....

“Aashi, Are you really that clueless or are you acting dumb? He left it because of you, because he loves you.” Prakriti voice echoed in the whole Corridor and she continued, “You both should get a clear picture of your feelings and sort your things out.” Prakriti left the spot yelling and leaving them alone.

They remained there speechless, looking into each other’s eye, glued to the spot. It is when the bell rang that Rishab took her hand in his hand and began to run and to cope up with him she had to run too. He took her to their secret place in the 4th floor of their school building. A place that they discovered and knew about, their own safe house. She was panting, he was breathless but the eye contact was there. No words could explain their understanding, their smile and eyes spoke everything. They hugged each other and since then became inseparable. After that day, never were they seen without each other. School, tuition or name any place, they were always together. Nobody dared to cause trouble between them.

Tears were rolling down when she got back in reality, her phone was ringing. She was in no mood to answer it. Her assistant was calling her. She putting her phone in silent and went to sleep.

Everyone is enjoying on the dance floor. Aashi is standing with a glass of cold drinks in a corner looking at Rishab who is busy talking with one of their teacher at a distance. She is upset about something. As soon as he caught her staring at him, she looked away. It wasn't hard for him to sense that something is eating her from within. When she looked back to check Rishab’s activities, Rishab wasn’t there. Her eyes started searching him but she could feel him before she actually saw or heard him. He was right beside her. She didn’t turn anymore; she stood there with his arms around her waist. Both of them seemed scared of losing each there. They were having lot of fights those days because their love which by then became their necessity and they knew soon they will have to part their ways. Rishab was staying in the country and also that he got into one of the best engineering colleges and Aashi was going abroad as she got full scholarship of fashion designing course in a well named college. Their dreams came true. Both were happy for each other but separation was something that troubled them. They knew that new life was waiting for them ahead but their heart was crying.

A romantic song got played and all the eyes present on the dance floor shifted to them. That is when everyone wanted them to be on the dance floor together.

“Will you Miss Aashi Roy give me the pleasure of having a dance with you?” he asked her. His eyes spoke lot more than his words. Her smile was the best medicine for the pain he was dealing with.

“Yes, Mr Rishab Singh. I would love to.” Taking her hand, he led her to the dance floor. They embraced each other as the soft music filled the hall. They enjoyed being in each other arms. Water filled into Aashi’s eyes and Rishab held her much tighter. She rested her head in his chest.

“We promised each other Aashi that we won’t cry. You are best thing that has ever happened to me. You give me strength to work hard. Today, it’s because of you that I got into one of the best engineering colleges. If you’ll be sad I’ll be sad and then we have only two days before you leave for abroad. I want to see you happy or else how will I survive here?” he said in a very soothing manner rubbing her back with his hands. Tears filled his eyes too.

“You are asking me to be happy and your eyes are filled with tears too. I don’t want to leave you. Come with me please. Do whatever you want to do but by staying close to me.” She knew in her heart that this wasn’t possible but then she was always emotional a way too much when it came to him. She sensed that he was smiling because of her childlike demand.

“Okay, promise me that you will write to me every day and if not every day, then every alternative day?” he hugged her even more tightly paying close attention to her words.

During those times, long distance communications weren’t that easy like nowadays. Social sites like Facebook, twitter, whatsapp and video calls were off the track. They were talking of writing emails to each other.

“You promised me that you will take care of yourself and that is the only reason I’m allowing you to go this far from me.”

They remained silent for rest of the song and as the song ended, they left the party. They wanted to be alone away from the crowd and the World. They spent the whole night in the terrace of Aashi’s house holding each other tightly, cuddling and loving each other.

The two days went by like a swish and she left the most important part of her with Rishab.

....to be continued....

P.S. If they loved each other so much, they what caused them to go seperate ways? What happened next?
To know Stay Tuned.....

© Chestnut_writes❤️