

I want you to know

But I don't want to tell you....

The next day she woke up by sunrays coming through the window and falling on her face making her look like a golden angel with beautiful gold eyes and soft glowy face.

A beautiful day, she thought and woke up. She brushed her teeth, took a shower and wore a beautiful red coloured off shoulder dress ending at her knees.
It had lace on the sleeves starting from her upper arm. She did a loose braid, applied Kohl and lipbalm. Smiling at her reflection in the mirror, she felt good.

Scar came out of the room and saw Kat all ready with pancakes set on the table .

"Good morning Scar. " Kat greeted.

" Good morning Kat. Thanks for the pancakes ." Scar greeted back.

They both finished their breakfast talking randomly about things around.
Kat took the car and offered to give Scar a ride but she refused. Scar felt like walking today. The weather was also good. Like there are days when even clouds and sunny sun themselves sing it's a happy day.

She went to have a cup of coffee at the café nearby. On her way over to the café , She came across an old lady struggling with her bags full of grocery items. It seemed like her car stopped working.
Scarlett decided to go help her .

"Hey , do you need some help with that ?" She asked the old lady.

The lady looked at her with a frown etched on her face which soon turned into a relieved smile .

" If you won't mind, then please. I have to walk home and would like to use some help. Thank you so much , dear." The lady said with a smile on her aged but kind face.

" Of course, let me. " With this, Scarlett grabbed both the bags from her hand.
The second bag was a bit heavy but she managed.

They walked in the direction of her home. On their way, Scarlett came to know the lady's name which was Maria.
She got to know she has a son, not real though but he call her mom and she considers him her son only. He runs a multi-billion dollar company. And apparently he's a conserved person but pretty famous among ladies.
Well , Scarlett just smiled.

She told about her to Maria that she's a college student , studying psychology and business.

Maria truly like Scarlett. She wanted Xander to meet her too. In her eyes, she was the one for her stone headed son. She saw the glow and life in her eyes which will give Xander some life too she hoped.
The woman which will make him leave his current love of life also known as his work.
Xander works like it's his oxygen. Like he would die if he wouldn't work . Poor souls put so much pressure on himself.

She decided to get her number and set up something to make the two meet.

They reached Maria's house in twenty minutes. They also exchanged numbers.
Scarlett had no problem with it.

The day went ahead as usual for Scarlett.
She went back home on foot.
On her way back, she saw a beautiful red rose sprouting out in garden of a house situated on the left side of the road. She was so busy in admiring it from the opposite side that she nearly got run over by a sleek black car.
She was so shocked. Her legs weren't moving. She stood still . The driver got out wearing a black suit .

"Can't u see a car coming your way? If u want to die, go find some other place.
Not in front of my car . " He shouted at her. He was already late for a meeting and now this.

Scarlett wasn't saying anything. This got his anger to deepen.

He went towards her and grabbed her shoulders roughly and shoved get aside.
He got back into his car and drove away.

Scarlett got out from her shock . The car was just an inch away from her. She could've died and would have never gone to Venice. Venice was her dream. First place on her list of places she wanted to visit.

But that stupid ,rude ,idiot didn't leave her mind. She made her mind if she saw him again, she'll give him an earful. How can he behave like that with her. He has no right to do so. That stupid, arrogant , idiot.
She went back home still cussing him in her mind.

Her week went normally. She even talked to Maria a few time in the week on phone.

Today was Sunday. The day she planned to visit the orphanage on the other side of the town. She loved the kids there and kids loved her too. They would always ask her to stay the night with them. They would never leave her alone even for a minute whenever she visited . They would always shine like sun and start cleaning up theirs rooms whenever they hear their Scar Di was coming.

Scarlett was equally happy to see them and play with them. She felt refreshing with them . Away from all her troubles and responsibilities. She felt happy being around them. She would always try to bake with them but never her cake turned out good. Mrs. Crawford would always help her. She was kind old lady. She took care of the children at the orphanage. It was a private property of some rich , big businessman who never cared to even step a foot inside the orphanage. It was passed onto him by his dad.

Anyway, Scarlett got ready for her visit. She wore a Beautiful blue and white striped skater dress. She braided her long hair into a French braid and put on some Kohl and lipbalm . She also put a sticky note saying she's going to orphanage on the fridge for Kat to see when she wakes up .

Situated on other side of the town , it takes one hour to reach the orphanage. And Scarlett got the bus at 8:10 a.m.
She would reach by 9:15 easily. The five minute walk to the orphanage.

In about an hour, she reached there.
On reaching the big gates, she noticed a grey , expensive looking car parked outside. She wondered who it might belong but brushed off the thought as soon as it came.

She went to the garden to meet the kids but they were nowhere to see.
She thought they might be in their rooms and went inside.
Proving her right, they were inside only. But the thing was they had sad faces with traces of tears on their usually cheerful faces.

Scarlett got worried and went towards them.

Devin , a 5 year old kid , on seeing her stood up and ran to her. Scar picked him up but he didn't stop crying .

"Di, I don't want to leave from here. I like here. Where will I go ". Devin uttered still crying.

Scarlett was confused about what was happening.

The next moment, Mrs. Crawford entered the room. She also had sadness shone in her eyes. Her face had lost its usual glow.

" Jenny, what happened? Why are you sad? Why is Devin saying he doesn't want to leave? Why are there tears in everyone's eyes? Did something happen? Tell me . Please." Scarlett asked worriedly.

Mrs Crawford closed her eyes for a second as she sighed.
"Mark is selling this place to a big company. That company want to build one of its branch offices here. We can't do anything. I don't know where will i take these kids. They want us gone by this week." As she ended, there were tears in her eyes.

"But how can they do this. How can Mark do this. And in one week? How will we manage everything in one week? There has to be some other way." Scarlett was frustrated by this. She didn't want kids and Mrs. Crawford to suffer in anyway .
She thought she could keep those kids with her in her apartment along with Kat but for how long ? She know she won't be able to fulfill their basic needs even .

" The car outside belongs to ...." Scarlett started.

" The company's agent " Jenny answered.

" I'll go talk to him". Scar started to walk but Jenny stopped her.

" We can't do anything Scar. Try to understand. Your talking to him might just make the matters worse. Knight corporations is a big company. If its upto them , they rather make us leave this place in a day only. So please. We will find a solution but not in haste." Jenny explained.

Jenny was right. Scarlett should think carefully.

The whole day Scarlett was there. Jenny called up some of her friends to keep the kids or help them in anyway but didn't succeed in her search. Scarlett was also restless all day. She thought hard but came up with no solution.

The sun has set . The sky was turning dark. Scarlett decided to go home after bidding everyone goodbye and kissing their cheeks.
She took the bus and went home.
© Asterin
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