

My Toxic Marriage Relationship
This is a story about how I got married at a young age to a person that wasn't a good person to begin with at the time. I was 18 years old and I had dated this guy for not even a month we got together on October 31st of 2011 and he asked me to marry him like not even a month into us dating we got married on November 17th of 2011 and my family and my friends didn't like him even though some of my friends were his friends too. After we got married everything was fine and everything but I wasn't ready to get married I was waiting for the right person to get married to and he wasn't that person because after we got married we were always arguing and fighting and not just verbally fighting like actual physical too and while we were married he would always be with his guy friends playing video games. There was this one time I got home from working and then he got home from working and I was playing on his laptop and I was listening to music on it and I had fallen asleep while listening to music and him and his guy friends were playing a video game on his Xbox 360 and when I woke up him and his guy friends weren't there and I tried to call him to see where he was at and at first he didn't answer his phone and then I called him again and he answered his phone and I asked him where he was at because I woke up and he wasn't there and he told me to get off his D*** about calling him all the time and then when he finally got home apparently him and his guy friends had gone to the grocery store and plus he didn't tell me that he was going to the grocery store and while they were putting up the groceries one of his guy friends had tried to hand me a cup of something to drink and his guy friend had said that it was juice and when I took the cup from him I had smell it to see if it was juice or not and it wasn't. He tried to give a cup of nyquil to make me go to sleep that way him and his guy friends could go to Walmart and buy a new tv from the money he had gotten from his tax return btw I didn't drink the nyquil because I'm not that stupid so I went with them to go to Walmart to get the tv and after we got back home with the tv him and his friends had set up the tv and continued to play the video game and then the next day me and him got into an argument to the point where we both were hitting each other and that same day we both went to work and when I got home from work his mom and dad and my dad and my Step-mom wanted to have a talk with me and him but mainly me because apparently he told his mom and dad that I was hitting him all the time and he wasn't hitting me at all and his mom basically threatened me and said that the next time that I lay a hand on him that she was going to call the cops on me because guess what he did when his mom and dad and my dad and my Step-mom were talking to us he was playing the victim and that I was the one that was hitting him all the time and so both his parents and my parents had decided that we were going to separate for a while that way we are not with each other 24/7 and so we separated and then like around the time of my 19th birthday he had called me while I was at work he called me to tell me that he wanted me to move out to go back to live with my dad and my Step-mom and abuse would continue with my dad and my Step-mom again and I lived with them all the way up til the beginning of January of 2013 and then I decided to go back to living with my now ex-husband all the way towards close to Halloween of 2013 and he kicked me out of his house again but this time make me go live with my stepbrother and his now wife all the way til they made me leave and go to North Carolina to live with my dad and my Step-mom again. During my marriage to my ex-husband when he was watching a sports game and I would want to go see some fireworks because it was fourth of July and when you ask him if you could go watch the fireworks with him and he gets mad because he is missing his precious sporting event on tv and that he would have to listen to it on the radio and the signal on the radio starts messing up and he is still mad because he can't listen to his game on the radio and starts yelling at you and tells you to get out of his car and tells you to start walking home and you tell him no that you are not getting out of the car and tries to unbuckle your seat belt and tries to open the door to make you get out and you still tell him no and he says while he is mad that if you don't get out of the car that he will take you to where the pond is at the place y'all go to see the fireworks that he will drown you in the pond and get away with killing you to where nobody cares if you are dead or not that people won't miss you at all and then you tell your dad and Step-mom about it and that they take his side about killing you over yours so basically your parents are ok with your spouse murdering you and supposedly getting away with it.
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