

Insatiable Mind
Human nature is wired for constantly seeking approval, validation, applause, consent and reassurance from known and random people.

We even have this perpetual desire to get ahead of everyone. However the more we get appreciated the more we crave, getting into this loop of insatiable ego gratification.

The social media platform is thriving on this weaknesses and negative aspect of ours to make huge gains and profits for themselves. They have programmed our minds to look prettier, amass possessions and be the best amongst our peers. In the end we are found living a life that is someone else's dream and drenched in this materialistic identity crisis.

Why are we always found doing this ?
are we not single minded, confident and capable of self certitude ?

FOMO, our constant need for validation from others and frequent upload pressure has imposed surplous stress than one can imagine. It worsens when one flounders to be at par with peers at a social level. The forever success stories of others build on the anxiety levels and land us in a dark space. This made me cynical, i found myself frequently ranting against the system and society, all of this resulted in me becoming a homebody with recluse lifestyle. I had a toxic relation with the rampant social media and therefore made a conscious effort to quit the platform. If one does not want to get this extreme then without guilt unfollow those accounts that make you feel self conscious and vulnerable. Limit your exposure to social media with constant reminders of having a reality check and not believing "All that you see is all the truth.. "

Social media has brought the domino effect in the society with benefits and damages, to each their own. Dealing with stressors from the digital world and maintaining a sane mind seems a herculean task.

I have tried social media, have been there but didn't feel at peace in that space and left, it's okay.. as sometimes you need to make sense to yourself than others.

Our mind is constantly craving for likes and ratification from people to boost our ego centric self. When an old friend or family member refuses to react on our posts, maintains a grave silence or appears ghosting, that is wherein we face disdain and feel broken or hurt. Aren't we deliberately offering our minds control in someone else's hands. We have to get our power back... but how ?

Why can't we step out of this zone and get into simple living with frequent nature trails and unwinding from the mind litter conditioned by the consumerism tycoons.

Sometimes slurping a warm cup of coffee or smelling a fragrant incense is much more rewarding than a competitive mindset with pre occupied thoughts of constant checking on others lives maybe out of boredom, curiosity or whatever.

TAKEAWAY : To deal with all the downsides of the digital age we can practice meditation which is a keystone habit that helps us refix our harried minds and regain serenity. Also journaling, mindfulness and spending quiet time by oneself is equally satisfying.

© cacti