

The Maids (Part 5)


Intro: The chief maids (Haier) gathered the maids in a room to inform them about the visit of Lord Everly.

HAIER: (Assessing the maids to see who's not properly dressed) you! (she pointed at Layla) step out.

LAYLA: (she came out from the rare end of the room close to the window seal) Yes Haier (she bow her head slowly as a sign of respect to Haier).

HAIER: why is your breast not properly placed in the gowns cup, I will not let you disgrace the king or this kingdom with your lustful dress. Now! Tie the strap properly.

LAYLA: very well Haier (she then step back to her former position).

HAIER: Lord Everly will join us today, I want every one of you to prepare for his arrival, mop the floor so clean that you all can see your faces in it, and collect the flowers from Bliss, for today shall be a very long day.

ALL MAIDS TOGETHER: very well chief maid.

ANASTASIA: Em, what about the food, I heard Lord Everly fancy pancakes, we should also prepare for that too.

HAIER: The food is for the royal kitchen to worry about, it is not your concern, leave the royal kitchen to do their job. Face your own duty.

ANNASTACIA: Now I think I understand why you have remained the cheif maids for over twelve years now, you have always face your duty
(The maids look surprised).

HAIER: just because you receive the Queen's audience doesn't mean you are all and untouchable. When the dog is deaf to his master's whistle, then he's closer to its grave. Do you remember when you first came to the palace, I gave you an advice that death rest upon those who seek more than they could have.
(Addressing the maids) The rest of you may leave now.
(The maids disperse)
And as for you (addressing Annastacia) get the jar from Chaster and fill them with water, all of them.

ANASTASIA: (angryly) very well Haier.

HAIER: you may leave now
(Annastacia was angry as she walks down to Chaster to collect the water jar)