

sister sister
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...


The old wooden boards creaked so loudly with each step that it could wake the dead.


The one sister motioned with an airy whisper to the other. Her spitting image nodded as they glided on, careful not to make a sound.

The boy and girl walked hand in hand stepping on the old floorboards with their tippy toes. The sister was scared and quivered at the slightest sound. Her brother had a serious frown but one could tell—by the thin layer of sweat on his brow—that he was not unaffected.

She was tired and scared but her brother was determined to find what they came for.

"Brother" she whispered after they exited yet another empty room "son of my mother, I'm tired"

He whispered back in an agitated manner "Wait a while sister we will soon flee... this place does not suit either of us, but you know we can not leave yet"

At this, the girl kept silent and trudged behind her brother.

Sister one turned to sister two with a frown. Sister two shook her head.


she whispered

The evening light soon faded and through a hole in the roof, a pale moon cast its alabaster glow on the house. The shadows were getting longer and the tiny sister sidled closer to her big brother. But even then, there could only be so much courage in a ten-year-old.

"brother of mine when will we find what second mother sent us... I wish to leave" the girl whispered, her stomach hurt and she could feel liquid trickle down her dirty shorts.

he forgot to whisper"Don't trouble me so... you know second mother won't feed us until we obey...she said—and you heard her say—to search and not come back until we found her a fallen star"

"but stars don't fall" the forlorn girl whimpered

the brother turned to her with a defeated expression " I know"

The two sisters right above stared at each other, their transparent faces puckered in identical frowns.

"intentional" sister one whispered
"murder" sister two completed

They stared down at the pitiful duo. That searched each room thoroughly for something they knew didn't exist.

"What should we do...they really are a sad bunch unlike the hooligans that traipsed our home for a gamble" sister two caressed the little girl's hair and held in laughter when the girl violently shivered grabbed her brother's arm while looking around with wide fearful eyes

"to help or to kill"sister one chanted

"they are so miserable... oh it truly hurts my none existent heart"sister one simpered "we simply must help"

"fine" sister one floated to a stop and waved her hand at the brother and sister. "come along little ones
your misery and pain are not for nought"

The sister's eyes glazed over her brother tugged at her hand in confusion but not only did she not follow she started heading in the opposite direction—towards the exit.

"no! sister of mine!! come, wait a while longer we will soon find what we seek"

but she didn't listen. didn't hear. instead, she walked down the staircase in a trance.

The brother ran after her and grabbed her but she kept pushing forward with surprising strength. Angry now he raised a hand struck her across the face but she didn't even blink. then he saw it her eyes were completely black. like a dark gloomy void.

"s..s.sister?..." he cried

"interesting...the boy is unaffected"sister two observed

sister one sighed "a protected one"

sister two frowned "are we not bound to serve a protected one"

"yes we are" sister one nodded "come now let's greet our new master"

The transparent duo landed in front of the boy to pay obeisance and touched his feet. At once their once transparent forms began to solidify.

The boy screamed and jumped several feet away from them. The two small identical girls bowed even lower and whispered "master your wish is our life's command"

The boy still didn't move frozen in fear. "wh...where did you come from"

sister two raised her small dainty face "we have been here before and we will always be with you" her head lowered "we will be at your every beck and call"

The boy lowered his guard when he saw they didn't attack him. Sister one whispered yet again 'master' and waved her hands at his little sister the girl stopped only a few feet from the exit and slumped. The boy was agitated and rushed to her but sister two was quicker and caught the girl before she fell and chanted

"hush little rose go to sleep"

The boy stared wide-eyed at them and then begged in a small voice " I wish for a fallen star"

sister one and two held hands and spoke "a fallen star you want by our lives essence a fallen star you will have"

there was a blinding light and a small pop sound and it disappeared. At his feet something glowed. he bent and picked it up, it was cold to the touch but it was black as night...

tears shone in his eyes "stars are supposed to be bright...this isn't a star"

The two girls bowed their heads and chorused "shame this humble servant, but a star is only bright as long as it remains in the sky"

"so..this is a fallen star," he asked

"yes master"

A few ugly and dilapidated houses down the street was an even uglier house. The door was slightly ajar and sounds of breaking glass could be heard

A woman's shrill voice screamed "I don't know where those rotten bastards have gone"

"you lying witch" a man bellowed.


Through the open door, the four little ones saw a woman's head bang the wall from the force of the hit.

The boy watched her get hit over and over before he pushed open the door

"Mother two we're returned from Dead man's house(for that is what the old spooky mansion was called) and with us a fallen star as you have ordered," he said, his sister was now wide awake and stood between sister one and two.

The man saw them and turned from punishing the mother. His hair was wild and he looked half-mad from intoxication.

"you awful children of my loins where have you gone. I will be sure to skin you alive boy" He staggered towards them but was blocked by sister one and two

"move little ones else I punish you too"

The two girls stared at him unmoving and chanted "before our master's life is lost your's will be lost a thousand times over"

The man stopped in his tracks and doubled over in pain. Blood trickled on the floor, from his eyes mouth and ears.

Mother two whose head was swollen from being beaten stared at the bloody corpse with wide eyes. Then she screamed

"monsters help! help!!"

The boy turned his cold eyes in her direction and walked slowly towards her. The fallen star in his outstretched hand

"mother two here is your star
now feed us oh how hungry we are"

as if possessed he continued chanting "mother two here is your star
now feed us oh how hungry we are"

She scrambled back terrified screams tearing from her lips when at last she had nowhere else to go. The boy stopped and dropped the black star at her feet then he turned with his sister and left. So he didn't see that sister one and two pointed at the star. He did not see sooty black smoke rise from it to enter mother two and steal the light from her eyes. He did not see her empty body fall beside a snow-white star.

© MH17Angel