

" Break Up "
" Break Up "

"We are breaking up.", Hailey chatted. Hailey and Celina have been a couple for a year now. Until Hailey now decides that she wants to break up with her. "It's not you, okay? It's me. You did nothing wrong. I just need more time for myself... Im sorry if I didnt think about our relationship very carefully in the first place."

Celina was teary eyed, reading Hailey's last chats to her. She tried holding her tears back, but enough is enough. Tears dropped across her cheeks. She pulls her hair, stomps her feet to the ground, bumps her head towards the wall. Clueless on what to do next, and on how to face another day or even another minute.

A break up can truly break a person. That is why it is called a break up. It breaks your heart, shatters your mind, and break the bottle of your feelings. It results you on to feeling broken. Broken bonds, broken memories, broken heart, broken soul and broken expectations. But we are forgetting someone. During break ups, we get a chance to take a break from love life and just simply learn to love ourselves more. Have a break from trusting, have a break from responsibilities in love, and have a break from trying to be the best person you can be. Take a break. Just remember that breaks are temporary, do not make it permanent. Although, you may take your time. But never take your own life.

Another year later, after Hailey as well as Celina finds themselves again, they realized that they truly do love each other until the end. They apologize to each other, and started to become friends again. And as time passes by, they became closer and closer until they decided to have a relationship between them again. And now that they had found themselves, they are more prepared.

- Annonymous
Credits: @SadVerity
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