

the thorny road isn't always harsh to Caroline
Episode -4

Ethan and Caroline had a car accident while Ethan was safe and sound on the other hand Caroline was injured badly ...then she was hospitalised
Ethan : is she ganna be ok ?

Doctor : we can't say anything right now but she had to undergo with head surgery .

Ethan : I beg you to keep her safe ..

Doctor : we'll try our best ..stay strong ..

While Caroline was in the surgery room Merlin came

Merlin : Ethan ..will my Caroline be alright ? She won't die right ? Please say something

Ethan : she will be alright let's just hope for that

Merlin : how will i inform her parents? Of all the people Why her? She has suffered alot ..it's unbearable to watch you aline ....your fate is terrible ..

Ethan : it will be better if we don't Inform her parents for now ..we both should take care of her ...it will be stressful for her parents ..

Merlin : thanks Ethan atleast aline and I are not alone ...

Ethan : Don't need to mention ...

Nurse : she has Lost so much of blood we need blood it's B+ .

Ethan : I can donate her she has the same as mine .

Merlin : Ethan please save my aline ..

Nurse : please follow me this way .

Ethan : she will be okay ...

While Ethan was away Mason came to see aline .
Mason : hello Merlin..how is Caroline ?

Merlin : I'm nervous to say that she is ok ..

Mason: it's not good to say like that ...she is a strong girl ..I know she can do this ..

Merlin : well I'm glad that Ethan was there to Donat the blood or else it would have been hectic

Mason : hmmm...well..

Merlin: you don't seem alright ..is everything ok

Mason : yeah I'm fine it's just a sadness cos of the situation ..
It must have been a long day for Caroline ..

Merlin : right ...her fate is something we can't predict

Mason : anyway I'll keep in touch with you ..I'll get going now

Merlin : now ? Why don't you meet Ethan as while ?

Mason : that's alright we will meet another day ..seems like I'm abit late for Caroline ..

Merlin : I don't understand you...

Mason : humhum it's nothing ..see you later ..let me know if there's anything you needed atleast I could help Caroline in that way

Merlin : ok whatever ..I'll call you later

Caroline was unconscious for two weeks ..after two weeks she finally woke up . Right after she woke up she saw Ethan holding her hand and laying down his head next to her bed .
Caroline stared at him for few mins without saying anything . What Caroline could have been thinking only Caroline knew . Caroline talk to herself ..
Caroline : Ethan ....are you that tired that you don't know that I'm awake ?
Then she woke him up

Caroline : Ethan ...Ethan I'm awake

Ethan didn't response Anything yet his tears didn't stop

Caroline : why are you crying ? It's not like you ..

Ethan hugged Caroline
Ethan : there was once a moment that I thought I'll be loosing you before I could do anything for you , before I could express my feelings for you . I was that afraid that I didn't want to leave you in this bed for a sec but everything turns out right it was such a good day for me .

Caroline : thank you Ethan.. and you must have been tired go get some rest now that I'm conscious I'll be fine.. but before you leave can you call Merlin for me?

Ethan : ok sure

Ethan call Merlin . Merlin was at home packing their lunch . untill Merlin came to hospital Ethan was right next to Caroline ..

Merlin : aline I'm here ...how are you feeling now ?

Caroline : abit dizzy and painful ...but I guess I'll be fine maybe because of the surgery ..

Merlin : yes it is ...and Ethan you should go home and get some rest you looked tired ..

Ethan : yes ..I have been waiting for you as I don't want to leave her alone ..

After Ethan moves out Caroline and Merlin have a long conversation ...

Caroline : I miss you Merlin even though I'm unconscious

Merlin : hmm you must have been blank and how could you but I really do miss you . I thought I couldn't save you ..

Caroline : but you did it and I'm safe and sound

Merlin : actually it was Ethan who saves you .
You looses alot of blood and you needed a blood very urgently. Maybe fate was trying to bring you both together . He had the same blood type as yours and he donated it without thinking even for a second . After the surgery was done he didn't even step out of your room. He was here looking after you more than me .

Caroline : hmmm.. bydaway did you talk to mom..?

Merlin : we are scared that your mom will be stressful so we didn't informed her but I let your brother's know it ..

Caroline : you are so thoughtful Merlin and thanks for everything you have done for me

Merlin : what do you think about Ethan ? Do you also likes him ? He seems to be really into you from the very first day and I came to know that it's his true feelings ..you only know your true feelings .. think about it..

Caroline didn't response Anything ...in a sigh she says “ ok I'll think about it..".
What is her true feelings . Did fate really brought them to be together or was it some kind of fate testing Caroline's trust?
Who is Caroline to Mason ? Why did Mason hesitate to meet Ethan ?

© verinmiwashi