

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 19
(Voiced By Kenneth)
Well, it's great that I've been given this opportunity to finally visit Susan at her house and get to meet this Ngozi girl that I have been hearing about and I get to eat one of her(Ngozi's) delicious food. I just can't wait to eat some delicious Ekusi soup and semovita....a food that I have been missing for a long time now.
And now I've been given the opportunity to eat it for free.....
Come on, isn't that luck?.
I'm quite lucky enough today to enjoy such food today.
Well, I'm not saying that my mum's Ekusi soup is not delicious. I'm only saying that I've not seen a young girl cook Ekusi soup so sweet. And I'm desperate to taste one today.
Well, my mum is a great cook but she is not a young girl but a woman. So, I want to meet this Ngozi girl and see how a young girl can cook better than my mum.
I've been hearing so much about this Ngozi girl and I wanna see her today.
Come on, for Susan to tell me that I'm gonna love her(Ngozi's) food then it must really be delicious.
Well, I heard that Susan's mum had sacked their Housemaid and she has employed Ngozi to be their cook and Ngozi's brother, Jude to be their cleaner also known as their janitor.
Well, Akpan drove me to Susan's house with a car. Then he dropped me at Susan's house and remained in the car while I went and knocked at the door.
A minute later, the door was opened and I saw a young male teenager who I think must be Jude, Ngozi's brother.
So, I asked "you're Jude, right?".
Jude answered "yes, I am. Do I know you?".
I answered "no, you don't. You are Ngozi's brother and you're working for my bestfriend, Susan".
He said "so, you're here to visit miss Susan".
I replied "yes, I am. Can I come in?".
He said "sure you can".
I replied "thank you". As I walked into the parlour and saw Susan sitting on a couch and watching the television.
Susan noticed my presence in the parlour....eventhough I didn't make noise or anything....yet she was verywell aware of my presence that she looked at me, greeted me and said "please, feel at home".
I replied "thanks dear".
Susan said "well, it's great that you came. I'm happy to have you in my house".
Well, I think I should go straight to the point and not delay the process.....Honestly, I didn't come to chit-chat or anything....I came to eat some delicious food and meet Ngozi and her brother and get to know them much better.
I replied "hmm,please where is Ngozi. I like to see her and talk to her concerning food".
Susan said "well, let me call her...Ngozi! Ngozi!! Ngozi!!!".
As Ngozi walks into the parlour saying "yes, miss Susan".
Well, honestly, Ngozi looks much humble than I thought she was.
She was just standing infront of me. Then Susan introduced me to her "well, this is my bestfriend Kenneth but you can call him Ken".
Ngozi replied "well, it's nice to meet you". As we handshake eachother.
I said "well, I've heard so much about you...Susan has been talking to me about you. And I hope I'll enjoy your food".
Ngozi replied "sure, you would".
I said "i like the sound of that".
So, she went out of the palour to get the food while I conversed with Susan and Jude. Jude used the opportunity to talk to me about the bible. He began talking to me about.....Philippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
It was such a wonderful moment to learn more about the word of God.
A minute later, Ngozi brings the food and I ate it.....
Honestly, I can say that I really enjoyed her food.
The following day, in Hilcrest, I walked into the school and I met Susan and Ngozi standing and waiting for me. Then I came to them. As Susan walks away from our presence to meet her own friend. So, I decided to walk with Ngozi and talk with her.
So, I began to walk with her and talk to her. As we kept walking and talking to eachother then out of a sudden, she paused and slowly said "oh no! It can't be".
I confusingly replied "wait a minute, what are you talking about? What can't be? (as Ngozi begins to run away from my presence while I said) Ngozi!, what's wrong. Why are you running?"......