

Irresponsibility is love? No.

Peter wants her back but she just don't want him. There was a mistake by him for that she hates him so much. She tried all possible things to maintain a good relationship with her husband but he was too much hurting. And at the end it is now what the day they are facing. Yeah it is the divorce time. 2-3 hearing done in front of court and papers are ready to sign.
Tomorrow both will have to go to the court and sign in the divorce paper.

The story actually started form the scene of fame. She was a super star in some channel and he was simple maneger in some company.
Both meet first time in an occasion, she was impressed by seeing his simplicity and smartness. She was very rich and he was almost like from poor background but without caring money she have given importance to his good character.

And there he was impressed by her beauty like others because she is a star.

After meeting in that occasion, both started liking each other and they started phone calls, meeting and dating with each other and then finally they deed court marriage with some friends by fighting with their parents in the name of love.

First week of marriage was nice, but after somedays others only value her not him for he had a poor background and it was a kind of insults to him. Then he wasn't able to afford her luxury needs and for that she have to spend money of her own and sometime go to her parents. His boss also teases him of the kind of wife he have, means she use to wear short skirts and all in some movies.

Whatever it was, it was past. She is just now a normal housewife who is concern to get love from her husband but she is having to face problems.

The maximum problem is money related. He cannot earn much to fulfill her need of dresses, makeups, foods and other bills.

Although it was a love marriage but money crisis is separating them. As because he cannot pay the bills so she thinking for doing job but he don't want her to do job.

He use to say in very ugly manners that " Oh you wanna do that job? One man doesn't satisfy you? And other bad way he treats her.
Making her a mental ill day after day. She become ugly, doing all housework alone with no servants,and fooding was also not her level like vitamin and minarals needs as because he cannot afford costly foods.

And his friends, relatives and neighbors are from poor background, don't understand richy lifestyles and talks illogically in all possible manners what she don't like and arguments with them was making her life more hell.
Love was gone from Sujata's side and Peter deed not understand her.

Day after day she was harassed this way and then she had a fight with her husband.
After fight she directly moved to her parent's place. And then her parents managed everything for Divorce.

So today is the Divorce day and he was messaging her in watsup that he wants her back.
But she is just not listening to him because she feels like she have got a lesson that those who says "love you" With no responsibility and care for future are the ones who are the great hell.

And she just don't want to be with such a hell, she made her mind and today she will sign without caring his false love emotions for just harassing her more.

She just signed in court and overcome from such hell ties.
With the help of her parents she become super star again.

© 🌸Trisha Acharya🌼💕