

Expand Your Horizons
Expand your horizons. You are nothing unless you are educated and learn to love The Art and Humanities i.e. Dancing, Singing, Reading, Literature, Music, and Creative Writing that includes poetry, story telling.

Stay away from 🚫 drugs including marijuana it can burn out of your brain cells and lead to other drugs such as uppers, downers, LSD and crack and heroin.
Reframe from all alcohol if you don't want to come down with alcoholism and Chrosis of the liver and don't gamble. It's a bad habit and addiction.

Don't get addicted to sex it can lead to STD'S , HIV and AIDS.

Focus on education and expanding your mind and you won't regret it.

I don't drink, take illegal drugs, gamble, smoke cigarettes or marijuana and I don't sleep around.

Glorify your mind, spirit and body for You Deity and be happy.

Don't believe that money will make you happy or anyone else will. It's a lie.

A Rich Man has Many Friends but a poor man's friends dessert him.

Beauty is only skin deep and superficial.

Sex may sell but remember Some STD, HIV and AIDS is incurable.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse leads to broken relationships and heart ache.

© ladywicca65