

rest in a tranquility state of mind, body & spirit
it is necessary for me personally when resting my head on the bed, while taking a deep sigh; give thanks for what I was able to do and for what I could not do, for what I achieved and for what was not achieved. And sometimes I throw my thoughts up to the sky in simple rest since sometimes they can be very heavy. sometimes everything is mixed up in the moment, the present, past and future, anguish, worries, illusions, dreams. It is up to us to do the best every day the best of our part and the rest of what we do not have, rest .... since sometimes there is no other peace or solution, or answer and likewise when waking up to give thanks, thanks for strength, give thanks for a new day, a new opportunity, a new way forward. even with every obstacle around us, even with so much darkness, by putting our thoughts up. hang our worries, debts, prejudices, our troubles, our transgressors ... in the hands of the one who can stop time and make it run the same. and one more sigh for the hope of that inner peace, that there are things that go further, beyond and that are beyond our eyes to see yet more in a process in progress of a creator who occupies everything for our good in time for our good, peace in the midst of adversity, peace in the midst of tempest, peace in the midst of uncertain anguish
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