

A Friend Like Mine.
Hello, Friends I'm Lavleen today I'm sharing with you my life experiences. I'm in High school and I'm in grade twelve and I'm sharing with you some experience. That I want a Friend Like Mine today. I'm going to school and attending classes. I make friends here in my school all are friends with me but... sometimes I feel like I want a Friend Like Mine who cares for me and wants to know my inner feelings. And I'm imagining her for five days. I'm a book lover, my favourite place is School, Library, and Home ...........etc. One day, I fell in love with a girl in my school and one day a new student stepped on the stairs I imagine.........that I gave him a fly kiss.... and I was standing far from him and my friend saw me from far that 'I am standing far from them' and he smiled at me and smiled at him too. Why? How? How can I love a human I mean my friends are nice how can I? I love my parents and my brother and my cousins and my maternal grandmother and maternal mother and my maternal grandfather died three weeks ago.....my mother cried a lot and me too and she was sobbing that day my maternal grandmother and my maternal aunt and my maternal mother and my uncle too weep they ate nothing and us too. And we all mourned he had a funeral and my mother, and and my maternal grandmother, and my maternal mother wept for several days. Now we are all in a good condition. And now I continue my studies and I continue my school and studies and continue going to the library. But now I need a Friend Like Mine. I imagine a girl who came into my life when I was thirteen years old and I was in grade seven and I'm imagining her from fifth grade. And now I'm in grade twelve. I saw her she looks like me she comes when I'm alone and when no one is with me. Sometimes she makes fun of me and she wears the same clothes as mine and sometimes different ones how is this possible?
I want to know the answer. "I've your answer you need a Friend Like Mine," she said. Now this is a short drama of my story.
How can she? I have a question and she answered my question this is mystical and a fairy tale she is so adorable. Only I can see her and nobody can see her.
*Finger snaps*
"Hello, Good morning where are you? "
"But this is evening and you are making fun of me"
"I'm not making fun this is reality wake up from your dreams" she wakes me from my daydreams.
" I want a Friend Like you who cares for me a lot," I said when I put her hand in my hand.
"What I did' listen I don't know what you are saying to me" she ignored.
" I need a Friend," I said loudly.
"We were Friends when I was in grade seven or eight something we have been friends for four years and we have known each other we live together in the same house but the problem is that no one can see you only I can see you from the start" I confessed.
She hesitates and looks at the wall of the room.
"Well, I know that you need a Friend Like Mine to find that's not possible that you think so far you live in your dreams" She again wakes up me from reality.
" I love you my dear friend" I hugged her.
And she kissed my cheeks.
And I kissed her face too. I was attracted by her physical attention. I'm not telling people that I've a Friend Like You I don't care if they make fun of me.
"Don't do that my dear friend" She tried to stop me and she fell I sat on my knees
and she lay on my lap. "This is not good make friends to people make real friends but don't make imaginative friends and fake friends okay" she explained to me.
"Good Friends help needy people and when you are in a bad situation and when you need help and fake friends don't help they always lie to me they deceive you always make an excuse when you need help the end they run when you're sick when you are tired, and in problem and a bad situation they show you a wrong way always" she explained me a whole situation.
" Imaginative friends are not real they are those you imagine and you fear them sometimes like in the night and they don't show you a path but an imagination but a good friend always shows you a good path and a way to success.

"Mother, I want a friend like Mine," I said to her.
" A friend like you?" my mother laughed.
"What's the problem with that," I asked with a questioning look.
"A friend like you is as silly as you make a different friend who can help you and who is intelligent" my mother explains to me.

" Okay but twin friends are everywhere," I told my mother.
"Twin brothers and twin sisters born but not friends" my mother explained.
" Really but some people's faces matched "
The chat ends here I did dinner.
The next day I went to school and attended classes and studies and went to an old lady where my mother took care of there. And coming home, studying books doing Math, and English. And seeing videos for English and watching Instagram. Two days later, I found two girls in their faces matches but they are from different countries. Finally, I found someone whose faces matched each other. I returned home and when I and my mother were having dinner.
"Mother, today I saw in my class two ladies whose faces match each other's faces.
"Yes, one person's face matches 7 people, and your face matches 10 people.
"Really Mama this is so nice, " I said in happiness.
"Yes you are my dear daughter" My mother said.
After eating dinner I study on my Laptop and sleep late at midnight.

Today, the present day on 29 October 2023, After returning from my aunt's house house I learned that no one is a true friend in this world except God.
So believe in God
And make friends with God
And believe in God.

Inspiration # Philosophy # Fantasy world # Fantasy # Poetry world # Poetry# Thriller # Self-Help # Friendship.


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