

The Richardson’s Wax Museum
This happened back on April 16 2013 it was 6:00 at night Lillian Richardson, her husband Stephen Richardson Sr. And their 28 year old son Stephen Richardson Jr. Was at home getting ready to go out to a restaurant they were hungry Lillian couldn’t figure out what to eat so she ask her husband Stephen Sr. but Stephen doesn’t know any and so he asked their son Stephen Jr. And Stephen Jr. Choosed Golden Corral. That night all three headed off to Golden Corral they were very hungry Stephen Sr. Paid for their dinner and they ate after they ate that night they came back home Stephen Jr. Went home his wife had got off work she came to pick him up to go home to their house. In the morning Stephen Jr. And his wife Mary wanted to go check on Lillian when they got there the door was unlocked because Stephen’s father had to work. When they opened the door they went to Lillian’s room and realized that she wasn’t breathing Mary called the ambulance and started crying. The ambulance took Lillian to the hospital and the nurse told Stephen Jr. And Mary that she has died but nobody know how she just died unexpectedly. When they went back to the house Stephen Jr. Told Mary to help him to keep all of his mother’s things in her house because he was going to turn his mother’s house into a wax museum. Mary agreed to do what her husband wanted because she saw that her mother in law had a lots of stuff that can be viewed by people. They had her funeral in five days everybody came to Lillian’s funeral after the funeral Stephen Jr. And Mary started owning a wax museum in Lillian’s house. Mary put all of the things that Lillian and her husband had for collection up on shelves there was model boats, model trains, model cars, model trucks, and model airplanes. All of Lillian’s dolls were in glass cabinets everything that Lillian and her husband collected was on display everybody the wax statues were Lillian Richardson, Stephen Richardson Sr., Stephen Richardson Jr. And Mary all of their wax statues were standing in each place in the house Lillian’s statue was in her room of her sitting up in her bed, her husband’s wax statue was sitting downstairs in the living room watching TV with the TV remote control in his right hand, Stephen’s wax statue is of him dressed as a baseball player he was smiling holding a basketball under his right arm, and Mary her wax statue was in the kitchen she was standing like she was preparing a meal. Everybody from the neighborhood and all over the world came to view Stephen’s wax museum and Stephen Jr. and Mary got paid a lots of money for that idea Lillian’s house is not a home anymore it’s a wax museum now the wax museum is called the Richardson’s wax museum and so Stephen’s father had to live with Stephen Jr. And Mary now they are taking good care of him.
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