

Mystery Note
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street at 5 in the evening today', it read. But who was it from? Also, why were the letters cut and taken from some old magazines? Was it because the sender is someone familiar to me and didn't want me to identify his/her handwriting, or was it because the sender was involved in something shady and didn't want it to be traced back to him/her. I knew reading too many mystery novels was going to mess with my head someday! (sigh)
Now, the million dollar question....Should I meet this stranger, or not?? Immediately my mind came up with numerous crazy ideas. What if I have some secret twin who had finally tracked me and wanted to get to know me? What if someone planned on kidnapping me and sending a similar note to my parents later to ask for a ransom? Or what if...it's a serial killer who takes strange pleasure in freaking out poor teens and getting on their nerves, before finally hunting them down and killing them!!!! Oh God, if that was the case, then no worries, as the killer had achieved his goal!
"Alright, no use freaking out, just think of something to solve this issue, Clara" I said to myself. Yes, I know, talking to myself is the first symptom of losing my mind! Finally, once I'd gathered my thoughts, I called my best friends Alexa and Eric to come over. I showed them the note...and no surprise, both of them freaked out just like I did. I told them that I was going to go and meet this person, and asked Eric to follow me at a safe distance while Alexa was to wait near the police station. In case it really was a kidnapper, then Eric would immediately call Alexa and let her know the situation. She would then alert the police about the kidnappers and provide them all the details and come to my rescue! There, easy and simple! Of course, I could very well ignore the note and continue to carry on with my work, but I had to admit, the situation was too intriguing to let it go! So, after the thorough planning, I set off to my brave mission, fully equipped with a can of pepper spray, and wearing my converse shoes ( in case I had to run!). Mustering up all my courage, I went to the spot.......only to find my crush grinning at me sheepishly, and waiting with a bouquet of flowers in his hand!! I couldn't believe my eyes! He approached me and confirmed that it was he who had sent the note. He told me that he knew I loved a good mystery and so he thought of asking me out in that manner, hoping I would be impressed. I was speechless for minute. When he realised that I still hadn't said a word, he started shuffling around awkwardly and asked me, " So, Clara..would you like to go out with me on a date now?" Only then did I come back to my senses and replied a bit too enthusiastically that I'd love to. After explaining to him the reason for my momentary surprise and told him (and my friends who were still waiting for my distress call!) the entire story, we had a good laugh and them continued to go for our date.
Thinking back about that day, which occurred ten years ago, I recalled that it was such an amazing and memorable one, as it was the day I went on my first date with my husband!
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