

Ballads of Nirvana
Chapter 16
Part 4...??

The Princess looked like nothing more than a constipated patient when she saw Mekhala, Agni could have laughed all day long. But then, he was surprised that she hated Mekhala so much that he was sure she was stabbing the woman in her head.

‘Was she jealous? No not in a thousand years, Agni. Never some dumbass like you. I mean look at her.’ He glanced at himself in the mirror and then sighed like nothing else mattered.

Whatever pissed her off, he would probably sell his soul to watch it again. He supposed he was not being sadistic but was merely appreciating good practical real life jokes. He for one was enjoying it so he didn’t care about the rest.
Ok, maybe he was being a tinsy bit sadistic, but, oh please! This was about him. Or was it?

Whatever this whole ‘being a rival at sight’ was intriguing for Agni, moreover, it was more like a reality show, a show he decided to wait and watch.
He would enjoy it.
“Women! I do not think I will understand them. No, not in a million years.” He said to himself as he put his clothes on. It seemed like the night ended in a blink, he didn’t know if he was supposed to be happy that his friend visited him or sad that she was not the woman he had admired now.
He didn’t want to decide on it, so he simply pushed the thought aside, as he opened the door to his balcony as he stepped outside, with his tea cup in his hand. He glanced sideways pushing aside the plethoric thoughts towards the Princess’s balcony and was surprised to see Mythri stretching instead.

“What are you doing in her room?” He asked her.
“We were just hanging out.” She shrugged. Agni raised his eyebrows at her.
“What, feeling jealous are you?” She said when Agni snorted.
“Okay, First, why would I be jealous? And second I didn’t think the Princess was your kind of a person.” He admitted.
“No, even I thought she was not my kind of person, but then again she did give me a nice head message without judging me, and you won’t believe this, but she called me endearing.” Mythri smiled.

“Huh, why did she give you a head massage? You know what, I don’t care. But please do me a favour, wake her up for me. Please sister.” He begged her.
“Why don’t you wake her up yourself?” Mythri asked.
“I don’t feel like yanking the entire mattress off the bed, please do it for me.”
“Sure.” Mythri went inside.
A minute later, the Princess came out, she was still in her night dress, a short white translucent second skin. The kind of dress that usually made men look at a woman twice, but for her he supposed, men would gawk at her. And he didn’t want them to.

“You're sulking right in the morning, Agni. Do you have any specific reason or are you just being you?” She mumbled, stretching and flexing her curves as she did so. “And you're staring at me.”

“Princess, you forgot to put on pants.” His voice was grave.
“This thing does not require pants, Agni. I mean it's a night suit and Nirvana has a humid climate.” She asserted.
“I am saying it’s too short and men are too savage.” He glowered.
“Savage? God! Agni you just insulted the whole of man-kind.” She laughed. “And you are a man too, you know?” She said with a sly smile.

“Just get ready will you? We have to train.” He was annoyed.

“Calm down my sweetheart, it’s alright, we have all the time in the fourteen realms.” She purred at him, mimicking Mekhala. The Princess’s hair danced to the song of the wind, exposing her shoulders and neck.
Agni almost spit his tea when she called him sweetheart, he felt like his heart was squeezed by some force and some kind of a fire kindled in his belly. Something he wanted to stifle but couldn’t, it was unfamiliar but not foriegn.
Just a spark but he was sure it had started. He tried to put it out but then she pinned him with a stare that could have obliterated the world and the fire burnt with more intensity.
So loud and so bright he was sure he could not put it out. ‘I know you…’ She had said when he had first seen her. Even with her blood stricken face and all the pain, her eyes had reached for him and he had moved just out of reach so that they could never touch him again, never see the anxiety and tension he had felt. _______________________

Indriya drank her tea as she glanced at the early morning sky. It looked like the night and day were entangled passionately and were holding onto each other like either one of them would slip away and disappear forever. Night was leaving, promising to come back at twilight.
She sighed, tipping her back and smiled as the breeze kissed her cheeks. She knew Agni was still staring at her, but she pretended to not pay any heed to him. But it was difficult to ignore him as he stared at her, she could suddenly feel a difference, a shift in the way he was staring but she made no attempt to look back at him.

God! His stare was lingering on her, not in a bad way, but not in a good way either, it was a disapproving look. When she ignored him for long enough, he went back into his room. Heat rushed into her cheeks all of sudden. He didn’t want her to wear the night suit because other men would look at her? Well, she couldn’t blame him for being so concerned about the fact that she was gorgeous. She smiled to herself.
She also noticed the fact that Mythri was watching all this with an eyebrow raised and a mischievous smile on her face but she paid no attention to that as well. But the way Agni had looked at her, he was so furious at the thought of someone staring at her. As though someone would actually stare at her when Mekhala Madhur was there. _______________________

Indriya was surprised to see Chag in the training room along with Agni, the two of them exchanged worried glances and were discussing something hurriedly.
When she entered they looked at her, sizing her up. She had put on one of those skin tight battle suits Agni had made Dharma, the tailor for her. She looked like walking black gold with the tiny gold speckles embroidered onto it.
“Princess, today we thought we're going to train you in both your magic and combat.” When she didn’t react, the assertion Agni continued.
“When I say your power, I mean your shield, your shield is a soul living inside you, it’s your choice whether or not you learn to wield it or not.”
“Why is it important to learn to wield?” Indriya asked.
“If you do not learn to control it before it learns to control you, it can be very fatal. It can turn you into a savage beast, a hopeless romantic or paralyze you when it decides to leave your body, not that you're not used to switching into different moods. But this could be fatal to us as well.” He said, like it was not something to worry about at all. He toyed with a dagger, flipped it in his hand and all of a sudden threw it toward her.

Indriya ducked to dodge it, almost falling to the ground but then she heard a thrumming sound, like electricity. She looked to where the dagger should’ve been but it was missing, then she turned toward Agni and saw it, The magnificent wall of golden light. To her, it looked like a bee hive and between those structures was the dagger, wedged and stopped in mid air. The wall of shield she had involuntarily built had halted the dagger in midair. And then the wall suddenly disappeared, dropping the dagger. The dagger clunked on the floor and Indriya was on her feet.
“What are you a murderer? Who throws a dagger at a weaponless woman like that?”She almost yelled at Agni.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the Enemy? Maybethey will not care about who or what you are and just try to kill you?” He asserted and Indriya frowned; she didn’t say anything further because he was right.