

Game of reputation
After such a long time I tried to write a story 😸
I'm not good in stories but I hope you guys like it 😉

Hi Dear,
A girl said to her doll who was broken and dirty but it was her most favourite doll because it was the only thing that kept her company.
She stumbled, "Today I'm gonna tell you a story. Umm....Let me think from where to start."
Well there was a time, a girl born in a small family. Black hair brown eyes but with a big smile she brings happiness to her parents world. They were happy with the little family they have. Her little steps give joy to them. As she grows something was changed with the passage of time. With her age, the things started to take turns in different paths......she started to look up to the world she was unknown of. Some scary sights which gonna leave scars on her life. Her dad who used to be a world of her change her world upside down. Her mom with whom she shares her small talks stop showing love in her eyes. There was a big difference between what she knows about them. It was like they aren't the same people they used to be. Her achievements irritates them. Her talks angers them. The love turn into disgust. The care turn into torture. Her dry lips was sealed with their cruelty......her soft hands were cut deep with sticks. Still she doesn't know of what she did to be treated like this. What was her mistake that her own parents starts to see her as a trash?
She was confused of what happened? Why this sudden change? Why her normal happy family broken into pieces like glass? The same people who brings happiness to her now is giving scars on her body. Her smile can't touch their heartless souls. The violence starts to push her to the edge, her own family wants her dead. She asked again and again of what's her fault? What she did to be treated like this? But the answer was......... nothing but silence.
Her wings were tattered, her soul was broken. She don't know how to stop all this alone. Many times she wanted to end her life but the pain stops her attempting suicide. She looked for every chance to end herself but again got stopped by her own fear. She can't live, she can't die.....she was confused of what to do with her life.
Is there anyone who can help her? Is there any God who show some miracle? She asked God the same questions too......if you wrote this in my destiny why are you even keeping me alive? Why are you giving me so much pain?
But still there was no reply. She wanted to know the answers of her questions but still all she get was silence. She make a commitment to get her answers, to fight back to free her soul. She again stood up and ask her parents..... everytime she tries, all she get was only torture or insult.
They mocked her she don't deserve to live, she don't deserve to get happiness, even after asking again and again she wasn't getting any answer. But she didn't fall. She kept on trying everytime they broke her she stand up with new spirit.....
Finally her this dedication make them lose, finally her efforts work. The cause was so simple but for them it was a crime.....she hang out with a boy that was the mistake of her. She didn't know her parents have stereotype personality, they didn't trusted her own daughter which cause her this duality. A mere hang out with friends put her in this mess. It's like she became impure and ruined their reputations. They mocked she is characterless, a disgrace to their life......They were seeing her own daughter with the society's eyes. A little misunderstanding created chaos. Just because she is a girl she wasn't allowed to even talk to a opposite gender. Without asking her side of story they put all blame on her. Their stereotype personality make her life a living hell.
She was laughing on them and on her life too. To get parents like stereotypes. She just leave her house forever to live in peace.

In the end, it was all the game of reputation which was seen from society's eyes and it brought her to the edge of her life.

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© Ira