

We need Justice
We need Justice, us women, 97% of women have been sexually harassed. I'm apart of the 3% that hasn't been through this, and I feel guilty. One of more recent case's that have happened is, Sarah Everard. She was a 33 year old women, she was raped and killed. Most people say "boys will be boys" that's not an exuse, or "she was asking for it" You can't really believe that a baby in a onesie, that can't even talk is asking for it. or in Sarah's case, leggings, a t-shirt, a green jacket, and tennis shoes. This poor lady was just leaving her friends house, to walk home. The walk should have taken 50 minutes. She chose well lit streets, and spoke with her boyfriend on the phone. She didn't make it home, she was attacked by a police officer, later that night she was raped and killed. Even if this isn't were I live, she still deserves Justice. The British police officer, deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life.