

The story revolves around a boy named younghoon, who despite the fact was made an orphan at quite young age was humble, respectful and kind. A story about how he along with his brothers friend overcome each other fears, and create a bond that even the gods above can't break. A story that will make you to cherish what you have untill you have it... because once something is stolen from you, you can cry but never have it back, because it's already been said, "you can cry, breakdown and run...but never give up"
No one’s POV:
It wasn’t a normal life of any normal kid, it was but the harsh and unfair life of a boy named Kim younghoon, who despite the fact was 5’6 feet tall, appeared as a little kid who can be squeezed into your pocket. He was very handsome and good looking boy who was in his early 20’s. Someone who was kind and a sweetheart but also the most emotional boy you ever would know. This was his life, where instead of bright sunlight and chirping of birds, the swinging of curtains due to that soft breeze, he was awoken by the loud thunder making the world still and as he woke up his beautiful hazel eyes met with a foggy window, signaling that is was raining. The pitter patter sound reached his ears as he dunked his head even more into his blanket. The room was dark and the still dark clouds outside made it even hard to see anything. The once sleepy boy who now was getting his conscious back, lazily picked his phone to see the time, which read “5:25” am. He sighed as he sat straight on his bed shivering as the cold now touched him as his blanket fell down his torso. It was too early, even for someone who was used to getting up early all his life. The boy slowly pulled himself out of his once cozy bed, and made his way out of the room feeling thirsty all of a sudden.
Kim younghoon POV:
It was raining outside. This is what I noticed as I woke up due to yet another loud thunder. The sound of rain always made me nostalgic. The rain always does…… I looked at the time and it read “5:25” which means time to get up. It was still dark and the cold was unbearable for many but I like cold which is something I got used to as I grew up. As of today, I will be attending my new school, which is actually really scary of an experience and the nail-biting is the sole proof of it all. I got up, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed but too bad I had to. I went to shower, which was bad idea cuz the water was too cold, but then again I like cold so it didn’t affected me that much. I took my time, not realizing when but I started to feel thirsty so I went downstairs to the kitchen to get myself some water, careful to not let anyone know my presence. I slowly entered the kitchen and filled a glass with water and as I was drinking, there was a loud thunder, with great lighting making the whole house illuminate. This made me shooked and for a moment I closed my eyes shut and due to fear my hands covered my ears making the now empty glass to fly around the kitchen counter. It was terrifying but then I felt two arms wrapping around my waist, making me smile as I knew too well who this someone was, I slowly turned around to see a blob of red hair. All I could do was laugh as I slowly but carefully helped my brother sunwoo towards his room. He was again sleepwalking, a habit of his only I knew off. I slowly layed him in his bed again and tucked myself in too, clutching his hands as tight as possible, I drifted into a slumber, knowing too well we had an hour more till we needed to get up for school.
Kim sunwoo POV:
“aishhhh, why did our professor jin had to give us this assignment?!” an almost sleepy sunwoo complained as he fell down his chair, making him rub his ass as he made quite a fall. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes and finished assembling the messed up scattered pages all over his desk. He took his time to carefully assemble them and attach the rest of his work. He looked at the time and it was almost morning, this made him groan in pain as he didn’t slept at all, staying up all night to complete his assignment which he forgot and remembered just at the night. “Finished” he almost screamed half out of happiness that he finished his assignment before school and half because there was a huge thunder. I saw someone entering the kitchen and seeing the time it was obvious who it was. I sneaked out to go to my brother but instead saw him standing there covering his ears in a frightened way. “aishh, what do I do about this hyung?” thinking this I hurried and hugged my hyung from the back pretending to sleepwalk again, and i indeed felt him relaxing and turning my way laughing. Younghnoon thought this was his brother’s habit, but little did he know that I had lied to him about all this sleepwalking. I feel bad for lying to him but I did it for him, so that in situation like this where he feels awkward and frightened I can just hug him to give him comfort and protection. Hyung really hated to be touched, hugged, or even a pat on his head was not possible without hyung feeling uncomfortable. Hyung helped me back to bed and layed next to me clutching my hand tightly obviously being scared of the sounds. There was still an hour for school to start and beside I really needed some sleep to stay sane in school, so I too drifted to sleep.
No one’s POV:
The school was an hour by foot away but as it was raining, it was impossible for the two to walk to school as they would normally do. So they decided to go by there dad’s car. Both brothers were sitting in the back while there dad drove the car. Sunwoo who had his headphones on was listing to some music, as for younghoon, the boy was lost in tracking the lonely path of raindrops falling on his side of window. His attire was simple but classy, he wore casual pants with a green sweater, some worn out sneakers, and a beanie to finish his dashing looks, while on the other hand was sunwoo, who was wearing all black still in his emo phase. It took them 40 minutes to finally reach the school. Upon reaching the school, there dad hugged sunwoo and gave him extra 10 bucks while he didn’t even spared a glance towards younghoon, and saying a “good luck for today” to his son he drove back. This made younghoon feel sad, but he was used to this and didn’t made a scene , while sunwoo who witnessed it all too cursed at his father, got a “language” look from his hyung, but he ignored it and shoving his 5 bucks into his hyungs pocket smiled at him who looked him dumbfounded, and with a grin he ran inside the school building leaving a smiling younghoon behind.
Now it was very usual for younghoon, cuz his brother was always doing stuff like this. Kim younghoon was adopted when he was 5 years old by a family who couldn’t have a baby of their own. Kim younghoons real parents were never in the picture as he had never seen them. The family adopted him due to despair, but after 4 years the mom became pregnant with their own kid and that’s how kim sunwoo, younghoons half-brother was born. The parents due to this started to pay less attention to their adopted kid and soon the little attention turned into no attention at all, and when that happened younghoon started getting not just attention but love, a love he had never gotten in his life by his little brother sunwoo. Sunwoo loved his brother the most. This made the parents to think that the other was influencing there kids life, and so when younghoon turned 11, they sent younghoon abroad to study, saying they were doing it for his own good, not knowing that sending a little kid alone abroad was the worst idea ever. It was not easy for the boy to study all by himself for so many years, it was a very scary past for younghoon one he don’t like to talk to. But younghoon never opposed cuz who was he to do so? He did what they told him to and sunwoo who was still a kid around 7 only, cried and throw tantrums opposing this decision but it still happened, younghoon still went abroad to study leaving everything behind and promising his little brother that he will keep sending him gifts and he will be back soon but who knew that that soon would take 9 years to happen. Yes it’s after 9 years that younghoon decide to come back, while his parents were not happy seeing the boy, someone was more than just happy and that was enough for younghoon.
Younghoon POV:
A very basic day of my basic life ,My mornings have been like this before, so I don’t complain but I am very thankful towards sunwoo who always give me half the money he gets for his expanses. And as he ran inside the school to his class I started to make my way in. I could sense stares from the students but I just kept walking, I made a sharp left turn into the corridor, my head bumped into something hard making me lose my balance and I fell hard on my back. “ouch”, it was embarrassing as my backpack fell near my left feet, I could hear laughing and clicking of cameras, I slowly looked up to see a boy, the boy I had bumped into, looking at me shocked himself, he was still and wasn’t moving. The bell ranged signaling the start of first period. It was already embarrassing so taking the bell as an oppurnity to escape i quickly got up, picking up my backpack and rushing into the nearest washroom to practically hide and that’s what I did. I didn’t even realized the tears that were already streaming down and entered a cubical and locked the door shut while biting hard on my lips to stop myself from making an sound. The tears streamed down as the worst ideas came to my mind and my heart started to beat a thousand times per second. “now I will have to live as a freak, or maybe I won’t have friends after what just happened, what if they start to make fun of me” these thoughts were running wildly into my mind as I was seriously going in a panic attack when I heard a knock, “ umm, are ya alright?” I heard but it wasn’t sunwoo’s voice so I kept quiet and didn’t answered back hoping whoever it was will leave, but then I heard another knock and I sucked a sharp breath as I heard, “ umm, I know you are in there. I am sorry, I was careless and bumped into you on the way to my class. I just hope you are alright and not hurt.” Hearing this I still didn’t answered hoping the boy will leave but the next moment there was a hard thud on the door making me flinch a little with a gasp and I could hear a soft sight from the other side of the door. “look will you please come out? I am only hear to apologize and not to hurt you so you don’t have to be scared ok, I hope you are under…”but before he could complete his sentence I unlocked the door and stood in front of him . “Who said I was af...Afraid?” I said as I looked at him for the first time and man I have to say, he was a young boy my height with a small v shape face, broad shoulder and a tall body. He looked handsome, but mostly he looked quite innocent. I looked at his eyes and for a moment my mind went blank, as I noticed his eyes which were brown and were stopped at my lips. This made me self-conscious and nervous, my mind going all” what is he thinking, what is he looking at, is there something on my lips? What do I do, what to say” but my mind stilled as he pulled a tissue paper and gently wiped my lips. I was stilled as a statue and as if sensing my uncomfortableness, he took my hand and put it on the tissue over my lips as he retreated his own hand down. “ahem, I am sorry ….but you shouldn’t hurt yourself just cuz you are scared of people …you know what I am saying right? And again I am sorry for what happened in the corridor, it was my fault for not seeing where I was going. I hope you were not hurt, and that being said, I will leave now. Btw, I am juyeon, and sorry again.” Saying this, the said boy left leaving me once again alone, I slowly looked at the tissue to see blood and that’s when I realized what he was trying to do. My lips were bleeding due to all that aggressive biting. I slowly walked to the tap and with cold water washed my face to make it a little less obvious that I had been crying. I looked at the bloody tissue and a smile appeared on my face. I have never been taken care of by anyone except for sunwoo, it felt nice. And with what I went out and into the assigned class hoping for the best.
Juyeon POV:
It’s raining again…… “when will this rain stop and the sun shine?? I asked in frustration as I hate waking up to rain and wetness everywhere. “Hey genius it’s the monsoon period remember? And beside what is it doing so wrong to you if I may ask?” my roommate and friend asked as he passed the hair spray to chanhee our third roommate and friend, who gave me a “ am too busy” look. We lived in a shared apartment with 7 more people who were all our friends. Since we started our first grade we all were assigned the same classes and so after that when did it became friendship I never knew but they all are my family…….. We were getting ready for school as all of the others were in there own rooms. We all had to share room with one another, it was us three, One room is shared by kevin and his soul mate Jacob, one room is occupied by eric and his roommate hyunjae, while the last room is shared by sangyeon hyung, hwall and hankyeon. We have another friend named sunwoo but he lives with his family atm. As I was getting dressed I averted my gaze towards the two, “hey you both remember what today is right? We have to ma….” But before I could finish our door burst open and in came a hyped eric who just screamed a loud “breakfast!” and ran to the other rooms to tell them about it too. I just laughed as I saw changmin running at eric telling him he will kill him if he came without knocking next time. We had our breakfast and went to school. As we reached we met with an already running sunwoo who upon noticing us stopped and then he, eric,chanhee, and Jacob went the other way towards there class while me, hwall, kevin,changmin and sangyeon hyung moved to the other direction, while hyunjae and hankyeon already went for the sports meeting just upon reaching the school. As we were on our way I asked,” guys,you remember today we have to meet sunwoos’s broth…” “ouch” is what I heard as I felt something bumping into me. I quickly looked down to see a boy who fell down due to the bumping. I looked at him and snickered as i could see the already gathering crowd of students who were laughing and clicking pictures of the boy on the floor who looked like he was embarrassed, I did felt bad as I got kicked by kevin for not showing any sympathy so I was about to held my hand for him to get up but not before the bell rang signaling our first period, I sighed and didn’t even realized when but the boy had already was nowhere to be found,I frowned but then what changmin said made me guilty,” he was crying , genus” he went ahead in class with the others, as I made my way to the restroom. Finding it empty made me think he left but I heard sobs so I made my way to the cubicle the sobs were coming from. I knocked asking if whoever was inside was alright. But I didn’t get any reply so I knocked yet again, yet got no response. It was frustrating so I knocked hard this time involuntary and immediately regretted it as I heard a little gasp. “he must be scared of you idiot” i scolded myself mentally and again tried to comfort the boy but before I could finish my sentence, the door opened revealing one of the most attracting boy ever. He was slim, tall and good looking from every angle. He told me he wasn’t scared of me and the fact he stammered was actually cute for someone like him. My eyes stopped at his bleeding lips, knowing too well they do that due to a habit of his own roommate chanhee. I took a fresh tissue from my pocket and started to wipe his lips but then seeing his shocked eyes I gentely took his hand and placed it over the tissue putting my own down. He was looking at me with huge doe eyes looking like a lost puppy. “Ahem, I am sorry ….but you shouldn’t hurt yourself just cuz you are scared of people …you know what I am saying right? And again I am sorry for what happened in the corridor, it was my fault for not seeing where I was going. I hope you were not hurt, and that being said, I will leave now. Btw, I am juyeon, and sorry again.” Saying this I moved straight to my class and was scolded by out professor namjoon for being 10 minutes late but the scolding was cut short as the homeroom teacher entered with a new student. I was asked to take my seat, which was the last one in the last row. I usually sit with the window seat but as it was already raining I sat on the seat beside mine leaving it the only empty seat in the class. The moment I sat down, I got questions thrown at me about weather I apologized and stuff but before I could answer, the door opened and the whole class went silent as a graveyard. in came a boy, to be precise the same boy I had bumped into. He kept looking outside the window as he walked in. each step he took on that wooden floor felt like music to ears. He was now standing in the front with girls going all aww at him while some students mocked him by calling him the clumsy one. I had hid my face in my science book for not getting noticed by the boy, without even knowing.” Shut it!” the class groaned at him while the poor boy flinched. “please introduce yourself” the teache said and he looked at the front than down then outside then again down on the floor.” My na..name is younghoon , k..kim younghoon,its ni..nice to meet you” and with that he looked down on his shoes, the class wanting more information from him, making him quite uncomfortable. And as if changmin read my mind, he faked coughed loud enough for making the whole class to laugh making the teacher to sigh and ask younghoon to take the only empty seat available and upon realizing it was beside me, I cursed, but feeling a tap over my shoulder I looked at my left to see him now standing next to me already.” Is that seat taken?” he asked and before I could answer he was already had seated himself next to me. I looked at him as he was facing the window, totally lost at tracking the paths of raindrops. He looked fascinating, “why are ya staring at him?” I heard sangyeon hyung and I smacked him with my book which made him hiss in pain and the rest to laugh. And so the last thing I remember was the class and the lecture being delivered but all I focused on was the boy next to me, lost in his own world.
Changmin POV:
Morning sucks……. Epically when you wake up to cold and rain, but oh well, at least I have my source of warmth from my blanket. The morning was dull until we all gathered and ate our breakfast before leaving for school. Today was usual, with juyeon complaining about his hate for rain, me scolding a very hyped eric cuz today too he barged into our room without knocking, making chanhee who was changing his shirt to scream and me to run after him with my “ I will kill you” look. As usual we went to school and met up with sunwoo, and the thought of meeting his hyung made me excited but finding him all alone on his made me think that maybe he didn’t bring him today. And before I could ask him about it, he went along with the other to there class. “we’ll ask him later don’t worry” chanhee said as he too went with him, giving me a little smile and soon we started towards our class. On our way to class the clumsy person juyeon he is bumped into someone making him lose balance and fell down, as he was not paying attention to his surrounding, the said boy was tall and well build but as he fell and sat there looking all embarrassed he looked like a little lost puppy who could cry Any moment now. Soon a lot of students gathered and started laughing at the scean, making me give them the “are you serious?” look, sighing as it was not funny to make someone uncomfortable when they clearly are uncomfortable already. And the dead ass juyeon was still standing wiithoiut even helping him, but before anything the said