

Escaping Reality
How far can your fantasies go against reality?

How far can you stay sane in an insane society?

How far can your dreams live when you are about to break?

How far can you escape reality when you are barely awake?



It's where we put our lives on the line.

To survive.

To live.

"Morning Jiea!"

"Hmm. Morning Anne."


It's where the strong rules and the weak bows.

To oppressed.

And to be oppressed.

"Morning Sish, Joy!"

"Oh! Hi Anne, Jiea!"



It's where I am fighting to succeed life I've been dreaming of the whole 17 years I've been alive.

Reality is a battle I've been battling since day one.

A battle where I'm deliberately losing.

Losing myself, I'm barely sane.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning to you too, Sam!"


Is what I'm trying to escape so badly.

Or else I'll lose my sanity.

"Hey, are you listening Jiea?"

Im Jiea Moon and this is my story on how I escape reality.

"Hmm. What were you saying again?" I look at Anne, my soulmate.

Unlike me, Anne is pure. She's always smiling despite her sufferings. An optimist to say the least. I wonder how much is the truth in her facades.

"Geez. I'm asking you if you can come at the dance practice later?" She asked me while pouting her lips. Cute.


I nearly forgot about the dance practice.

I don't get why they are so excited about that dance practice when all it does is tire us to the bones. It even makes us so sweaty.

"Hmm. I don't know. Probably not."

Yeah. I should not.

I'd rather go asleep than practice dancing and tire myself.

"Eh. But I'm sure that it would be fun. Besides, everyone would be there too. You should really socialize more."

This is the reason why I badly want to escape reality.

This very reason.

Socialize. I hate that word. They make me want to die.

"I prefer solitude, thank you very much."

Everyone thinks that socializing is important. They think no one can survive without socializing with someone. How stupid.

Socialize. Why would I do such a thing when all it does is make me bored. People only socialize because they think it can help them grow. Others only socialize just to please their desires and so does the society. They go with what is the majority is doing. How foolish, really.

Society is pitiful and absurd.

"If that is what you want, then fine."

Besides, I'm not like everyone who likes to socialize with many people. I don't like crowds. I can't stand them. They drain the hell out of me. I'm satisfied with my small circle of friends. Who needs a thousand humans in your side when you have crazy friends at your disposal? Obviously, not me.

I have always dream a place where I can be alone.

Where I can think peacefully.

Where I can sleep with no one to disturb me.

I always fantasize a kind of place like that. A place that only me will know. A place where I can be me. And a place where I can rest from reality.

But then, in reality, a place as perfect as that doesn't exist. In reality, you can only find a place like that after your death.

What a pity. Dreaming something you want only to wake up to be slapped by reality that what you want is impossible to acquire. Truly a pity. A reason why I want to escape reality.

Escaping reality is a hard job to do.

Especially when you have to put your self at stake just to escape reality.

People might think I'm weird or just simply crazy. Some people might reprimand me about my way of thinking. Someone might told me to accept and embrace reality. But who the hell give a damn about their opinion. Of course, that's not definitely me. I live by my own pace. And I follow my own rules.

I don't really care what society thinks about me as long as I have my own personal space. I don't gain anything in thinking about their opinions anyway. Might as well live by my own morals and philosophies.


I love my friends. I really do. And I'll do anything for them.

"Oh. Hi Gel."

But there are times that they annoy me and vice versa.

"Let's go."

But no matter what. I really love them.

"Where to?"

They are one of the few that helps me check my sanity. If it's intact, that is. They keep my sanity in check and helps me overcome this madness whose feeding on my psychotic thoughts.

"Where else? To eat lunch of course."

They are one of the few that helps me escape reality. And would do anything to help me survive in this god forsaken reality.

"Oh. Where's everyone?"

While at the same time helps me to do a reality check. Even without knowing. They are unconciously fighting my insanity and helps me stand on my own feet.

"They're already in the cafeteria. Geez. That's what you get from dozing off."

Anne. Sam. Isish. Joy. Angel.

They are one of the few friends I have gained in this sicked reality and have my trust on the palm of their hands. I know I can trust them and count on them when my time is up.

Because they are one of my few friends that keeps me sane when I'm slowly losing my sanity. I'm sure that they would help me escape my sicked and wicked reality.