

Forbidden Fruit II
He was a perplexing character. Like the eyepatch he wore around his left eye, even though it was perfectly fine, even though it was the most beautiful eye colour I had even seen, he was a puzzle I couldn’t solve.

He was like a mist, slipping in my life in the middle of my own mess. My heart cried the more I tried to pick up my own broken pieces. I was a tangle of emotional mess. How could he walk in at this time - with his own share of disturbance - and wrecked even more havoc in my heart?

Everything was an irony. I would have understood better if I was attracted to him because he gave me a peace of mind, especially at this time. I would have understood better if he was a forgiving person who gave me helpful advice. Whatever his actions, whatever his motives, he pulled me to him like the attraction of opposite Poles.

It was not supposed to attract me. I was supposed to retaliate. He was a scheming person who was trying to manipulate me like a puppet on the string. Yet something strange happened. He showed me his world with the transparency of a crystal. He told me why he wore an eyepatch around his eyes. His ambition fell apart right in front of my eyes.

My tears fell. He was not supposed to do that. He was not supposed to tell me his vengeance. I was not supposed to fall for his determined character who had wanted to destroy my family. He was not supposed to fall for his enemy’s daughter. Our love was like the forbidden fruit which could never ripe.

© Su Myat MS
