

Your talks, your walks with me and even your Ooooo😂 I miss everything related to you. What happened to you now? I always sleep while thinking of you and mostly you come in my dreams .What happened to you now that you come with another one in my dreams? Ask me ,when I have not think about you. You know I used to let myself as the strongest one.Now, I have no strength as I am completely lost in you. I do not dare to weep or cry while writing this as you would not come to wipe out my tears. Still it falls. Nothing made me sad but your ignorance when you start talking to another one. You know when my phone pops-up, I hurries to if it would be yours message.But as usual I gets nothing and all in vain. I never dared to tell you how much I love you and still I afraid of your serious nature. Yes, If you remember I have not washed that shawl and kept it safe because it has your fragrance once I was on to wash it but I stopped. You taught me many things that not to be angry,keep calm and notice everything. Be cool in any of the situation. You know buddy, I have not learnt much from college as much I learnt from you. I think whom you have chosen is better.I have given nothing to you but many problems.You hugged me whenever I was sad and tried to build up me a strong girl. Hey!! Today is the same condition come and hug me please.Will you?Now, I have lost my strength.Today, I starts weeping on smallest issues.I saw a dream last night and you were laughing with your beloved on me don't know why. That day we went to temple together and I didn't asked to Krishna for you because I don't want to take you from another one Krishna is too kind as he is always ready to fulfill our demands. I just prayed for your growth,health and your safety.That love I needed was for short time and I think now life is full of problems without you.I needed you and still I need you. Knowing the truth, now I hesitates to even sit, talk and walk with you thinking what would you think. You can't imagine how many times I have tried to forget you but I always falls and again I starts with first stair😂. Sometimes you have laughed on me making fun of my feelings for you but I took myself as a reason of your smile. I want those days back when you and I used to talk during late night but time neither waits nor stops. Love,this word has fully taught me that it is the bestest feeling with beloved but the worse one when beloved leaves.I don't know why I am getting too attached to you. Your memories have worsen my condition. Sometimes, I assume you in front of me and starts talking to. I have always took you as a problem solver that's the reason I ask you small to smallest questions. And yes, I am not happy this time because it's our last year and earlier I used to see you in college wandering or in class at least but now I'll not get that chance everyday. You would be happy with her and I'll try to find my path. I hope you will succeed one day and you should be with your partner and I'll proudly say that I loved him.
I love you ❤️Love you a lot...These words can't tell you how much I love you ❤️❤️.
© Khushboo Bhardwaj