

.Lately I feel like I can't breathe and I keep holding on things I can't control. Your distance leave me with chills, your absence make me drown in a sea of bad decisions and wrong people ,
And I keep telling myself that I can fix this, I can make this work, I can stay a little longer, but the truth is that I'm gone for so long that I lost myself on the road.
When I think about you all I can remember is some good memories, some of the best smiles, a couple of chills in the night when our eyes looked at each other, some confessions that make my heart go crazy .
But all I think about now is my insecurities and the way of your leaving will destroy all I have done for me to become a better person, more strong and more confident .
All I can think now is that your leaving will make me drown in a sea of tears and I promise you baby, this are not good tears, this are the kind of tears that will stop in the morning and will start again in the night when all I have is a pillow and a lot of bad thoughts.
Lately I feel like my decisions aren't mine,
I feel like I keep trying to hold on that feeling to be safe, that feeling to be loved , that feeling is gone for so long that I replaced it with the feeling of being ok.
I think people go lost when they stop trying to love themself and start trying to fix something that can't be fix anymore .
I think people make bad decisions when they are sick of taking the good one and have wrong effects on their own life.
Tell me you, a total stranger, how does it feel when go night in the bed and you feel so empty like you have a hole inside you that keep growing and growing every single day, it's eating your soul from inside and no matter what you do it keep growing.
Tell me mom, why don't you told me that life can be so cruel, that people can be so mean, why don't you told me that love can be so beautiful and so painful in the same time ,how could you forget to tell me that a simple human can be so destroyed and never be fix, because if you have told me all this...probably I would have made the same decisions that destroyed me because I am completely insane, an incurable romantic that will do anything for a piece of love.
© Maybe not