


Test of Faith – COVID 19

It is very finely said that Mumbai never sleeps. But a tiny acellular invisible entity called ‘Corona virus’ moved everyone for the first time in the history of mankind. It made INDIA Home quarantined. It affected the faith of all religion that they can’t visit to their religious place to worship their god and seek blessing for the safety and security all human mankind from this Biological danger.
Special concern to mention, what dragged me towards writing my first story?
Since my childhood , it’s the very first day in the history that made me to stay back home and not visit the early morning mass in our church. My church was shutdown during this lent season for the first time. I miss the morning praise and worship sitting on the 4th bench near the window and praying consistently for our needs. It has deeply etched my heart. But being strong in faith, no virus can move me. Corona, how many days you will be here? We will definitely visit our church and make you run away before our Good Friday and Easter arrives.
We all shall overcome this situation through our faithful prayers.
I hereby request all the brothers and sisters across different religious groups to please uphold about this severe condition in their personal prayers and keep our MOTHER EARTH safe and happy place to live in.

- By Shobha Joy Gaddam