


So, what do you do? O you’re disabled. I’m so so sorry. You don’t look disabled. I didn’t know you had a mental illness. You seem fine to me. You’re so brave for admitting that. I would just die if I had to deal with that. O you get disability. What is it like to get free money free money from the government? I’m not even gonna ask how much you get. Bet it’s more than I make. You must have lots of free time. Must be pretty nice to get paid to do nothing. I would just love to not have to worry about money. O you take meds. Aren’t those bad for you? Don’t you have to take those for rest of your life? I could never be that dependent on drugs. Did you take yours today? I bet you really don’t need them. You’re doing so good. So, what do you have? You’re not schizophrenic, are you? Those people are dangerous. Have you seen the movie psycho? I saw this homeless guy the other day just going nuts on the street, yelling and screaming. Someone should have called the cops. It was so scary. O you’ve been homeless, that must have been just awful. Why for so long. Didn’t you ask for help? I bet there’s tons of programs to help with that. So, what is your mental issue? O you’re bipolar, I have a friend like that they’re crying one moment, laughing the next. I feel ya. I get depressed all the time; things are so sad. I have another friend they’re totally OCD, such a clean freak. Can you work? I bet working is too stressful for you. Good you take it easy. Have you ever seen a shrink? So, what’s therapy like? I had a friend that tried therapy. Didn’t help, bunch of touchy-feely stuff. I had an aunt that went crazy, tried to kill herself. They put her away, sent her to the funny farm. Have you ever been to the nut house? How are you feeling? Hmm... You seem a little upset. I had better take off before you lose it or try to kill yourself, just joking. Ha Ha. O you’re a suicide survivor. Why would you even consider doing that. I mean I know things are bad, but geez. You’re doing so well now. Seriously I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you anymore. You seem so normal and smart. Well I still think you’re a good person. You’re not crazy that’s for sure. You’re so kind. So, you gonna be ok? Thanks for listening. Nice talking to you. Take care. Be well.