

I Wish I Knew
I wish I knew what you think when my name is mentioned. Do thoughts of me resurface, like forgotten memories struggling to break free from the depths of your mind? Or am I just a fleeting thought, quickly dismissed and replaced by more pressing matters?

I wonder if you remember the way my name rolled off your tongue, the way it felt when you spoke it, soft and gentle like a lullaby. Did it bring you joy, or did it stir something deeper within you? Did it remind you of the laughter we shared, the words left unspoken, the moments we carved into the fabric of time?

Perhaps my name holds no significance to you anymore, a mere echo of a past long gone. Maybe it elicits a pang of regret, a reminder of a love lost and a connection severed. Do you find solace in forgetting, or are you haunted by the echoes of what once was?

I wonder if you remember the dreams we shared, the ones that danced in our eyes like stars on a summer night. Did you ever think of the futures we planned, the life that was supposed to be ours? Or have you let those dreams fade away, replaced by new visions and aspirations?

I wish I knew the thoughts that flicker through your mind when my name is mentioned. Do you see a reflection of yourself, a reminder of the person you were when our paths intersected? Can you trace the lines of nostalgia that intertwine with the syllables of my name, filling you with a bittersweet longing for what could have been?

Or is my name now nothing more than a forgotten melody, drowned out by the cacophony of life's demands? Do you hear it and feel nothing, like a distant echo lost in the wind? Have you moved on, leaving our shared memories to gather dust on the shelves of your heart?

I wish I knew what you think when my name is mentioned. Are there still traces of me woven into the stories of your life, tucked away in the corners of your soul? Do you still hold onto the fragments of our love, even if they have faded with time?

I long to know if you speak my name with affection, with fondness, or if it stings your lips like the bitter taste of regret. Do you ever catch yourself searching for me in the crowded spaces, hoping to catch a glimpse of what once was? Or have you rewritten our history, erasing me from the narrative entirely?

I wish I could hear the thoughts that swim through your mind when my name resurfaces. But perhaps it is better this way, to remain in the realm of wonder and imagination. For the truth may never be as enchanting as the possibilities that reside within the depths of our unspoken thoughts.
© Jevanjee