

Moon's Beloved...

Oh Tranquil one!
The Moon, rather than being in Sky, is sneaking out again tonight. He is wandering and seeks the assurance of that peace which becomes your sleep. The fall and rise of your breath, your flowing tresses even in sleep, welcome the Moon, as it is he of whom you were wantonly dreaming. Showering you with the his light, he reaches out to you, adorning you with the rarest of the gems, a piece of his heart, the Moonstone.The stars distance themselves and the cicadas fall silent, owing to the beauty of your reunion for the entire night. Succumbing to your waves of glee and wonder, he embraces the realms of slumberland.

The curtains to your romantic saga drop, and soon, the fiery angsty ball of warmth and temper alike, with his morning chariot and melodious character takes the centre stage.....

#Moon #Love #Nature #Moonlight #Night #Dawn #Sea #Ocean #Waves #Beloved #oneshot #tinytale #tale