

The Smell Of Great Memorys
I was in my basement and I came
across some old boxes. Then out of
one box came money once I dropped it
on the floor. And it was my bothers box
an I did not know what was going on.
But A man's photo fell out the box
an also a man's money and I didn't
know what was going on. Then I saw
a letter that said if I make it out
I will come here an get this. But if
I don't then you know that something happened. So life happened an I forgot
about this. So he drove around the
old way it's different now. New owners
or children in the homes of the past.
Everything looks the same but different
so no answers. And going to the old bar
having some drinks he tells me he never
came back around to get his cut from
the bar either. So man you and I lucked
up . But he was a great man drinks on
the house for that one cause all this
happened and we came out good so
on the real I never really questioned
it. So I pore a healthy drink and one
for myself I don't question great happening but here's to it. Then we
part ways and I get back in the car
and head back to my life up town.
Oh well some things just never have
any answers to the the questions left
unanswered. So I am driving and I
see a gas station owner on the far side
of town and I pull into that station
and it's him. He been here all this time.
Hey man long time no see I got a station
and been running it for years. With the
oil for gas it never runs dry so any thing
that I left behind is like gold be blessed
don't test you know what I am saying.
So I get my gas and go that's the end
of my story but as far as the money
goes it was a payday in that basement
with the blue doors on it. Oh it smelled
like a basement to true copper pipes
now everybody uses hard plastic. But
so still use copper and when they do
The home runs great. I can tell you
the years have gone but I still remember
it like yesterday as if I had a flash back.
So I wrote a book about it and changed
the names. It was an adventure which
had millions wanting to find. A small
gold brick in a basement and before
covid 19. You had more visitors then
before. And book readers wanted to
know where the story came from
and they wanted to crack the clues
which you gave them in the book.
So it was a fun time. And I was charging
10.00 at the door to come through.
And I painted some bricks gold for
a keepsake for some it was wonderful
from the hardware store. Oh now a days
Home depot got that service on lock
with all its many stores an Loews. So
all because of the book I made 8000
and in the 1970s that was like getting
a tax check and pinching off of it every
now and then. Off the books I made
1500,00. So you see if you all have a mystery and the world loves some mysterys turn it in to a treasure hunt
and some will look and see can they
solve it for you. And the people in your
past will pore you a drink and talk over
old times. Oh if I had grow up there
I wonder what my life would be like.
I would have ground rent water an
gas an electric. An no people in your
face telling you nothing it's all on you
how to live. An back in the 1970s
it was like gold but now 2021 I never
thought some would turn cold as ice
then brake at you. As you melt them
like a good pepsi or spite hitting the
glass. And you remember being a kid
and never getting to really know if I
had been around here would I have
married well maybe and the question
is who hmmm so many unanswered
questions. But if I had it to do all over
again I would do it the same way. And
retire from it an in up in an apt. complex
but I would still miss my childhood home regardless of what happens.

© lashes sullivan