

I've really forgotten from when capturing my moments in the letters became my habit. I only capture the happy moments. But, I clearly remember, I learnt it from my Grandpa. He used to write down his each & every moments, in letters and put them inside his various secret places. I thought he used to do that just for fun and time pass. I never expected he used to do that to protect the truth from the evil eyes.
I had never suspected him for doing that, as he used to do that openly in front of all, even in front of strangers. I had only known he was a cop and thought that after retiring he lost all his contacts with his fellow officers, till the day of his funeral.I don't know how he died but when I returned I saw his bloody corpse at the facade if the house and blood stains everywhere. If I had stayed in the house that day, he would have been still with me. That day, he sent me out to my dad's house to collect all the Times of August 2013.
My parents died when I was 15, in a car accident. My parents were also cops. There accident was a total mystery. The case was closed before it started. My grandpa had taken me in. But He always used to go out. But my parents told that after retiring He rarely went out.
On the day of Grandpa's funeral, I met his few friends.
They told me, “Child, now you've to take well care of yourself. Don't trust anyone easily. Now He's no more to protect you. You've to guard the two houses all by yourself.”
I was stunned and confused at that time. I couldn't catch their words correctly. They even told, last time when Grandpa met them, He said that he had got some clues of my parents' death and the murderer's whereabouts.
The whole earth fell on me to hear that. That time many questions were circling in my head. I wanted to know all the answers. My parents were murdered, so was my Grandpa. I had no one left in the world. The heaven for the people became a living hell to me. His friends told me to give them the Times. But, I wasn't in the state to believe anyone at that time. So, I lied, "I didn't get any of the papers."
From that day, I started to investigate from my own. I looked into Grandpa's left letters in his study room. In some of those letters, he mentioned, that how hopeless he had become after my parents' death and how he was hurt when I had been in depression for 5 months.
I felt something cool on my cheeks. I raised my right hand to wipe my tears, but accidentally, my hand touched Grandpa's favourite flower vase on the right side of the table and it fell and broke. Then, there I found a map and two phone numbers.
The map somewhat seemed like Grandpa's house but there were two more rooms attached to the study.
© Sahyira