

The hardest part of a relationship
Every guy looking for a perfect girl,
And Every girl is looking for a perfect guy.
You know it's quite amazing,
A perfect girl / a perfect boy
Doesn't bother,
Doesn't shout,
Doesn't flirt,
Doesn't cheat,
Doesn't lie and doesn't exist.
Doesn't exist? What are we talking about "this doesn't exist".
Will happen.
Not too hard.
It will start off.
Creation is easy, starting is easy
Some efforts,you may have to impress a little bit And breaking that relationship,
Not at alll difficult.
Difficult? No ,Love at first sight.
Divorce at first fight.
It take anything?,
Does it take anything to break a relationship today?
Simple little tiny thing's and the relationship is
Every second a young guy Wil come crying to his friend or anybody close to him and say
" She broke my heart and left me alone".
Sad isn't it?
Does it take time to break a relationship friend? What needs a lot of efforts.
Is to maintain that relationship through the ups and downs of life, through the peak's and valleys of life, through the creast and troughs of life, through the highs and lows of life.
It needs a lot of substance to one's character to be able to maintain that relationship.
At a drop of a hat, relationship breaks.
Whether is friendships,
Whether its affairs,
Whether it's a marriage, at the drop of a hat relationship breaks.
Creation is easy.
Destruction is easy.
Maintenance ? Very difficult.
Work hard to maintain a relationship.
Which one ? You have to decide.

Thank you.

© Feel_the_words