

Twisted tales part 2
5 years later

Ruby!!Ruby hurry we'll miss our flight miss Stella said while carrying the last box of their stuff. I'm coming mum Ruby said whilst walking down the stairs wearing a turquoise color shirt and black ripped jeans I'm here mum is that the last of it she asked yes baby get the portrait she said pointing to the family portrait of she her mum and her late dad I miss you dad she said through stifled tears I hope us moving will help us think less of the past she sighed while bringing the portrait down.
In an hour they were in California their black Ford parked in front of an average looking 4 bedroom house with a small garden by the fence.
Heyy you guys must be the Rivera's I'm Dr Carson your neighbor said the average looking man maybe in his late 30's who was watering his ferns.

Stella:heyy nice meeting you this is my daughter Ruby
Ruby:hey (engaging a handshake)
Carson:I don't see a Mr Rivera (chuckles)
Stella:(a deep wave of sadness on her face)he died umm 5 years ago
Carson: ouu I'm so sorry about that..I lost my wife to colon cancer 4 years ago ever since then it's been just me and my son Ivan.
Stella:I'm sorry about that.
Carson:it's okay
*Awkward silence for 5 secs
I'm sure you need help unloading all your stuff
Stella:oh thank you very much (smiling)
Carson: ayee no problem Ivan would've joined us but he went for soccer practice.
Stella: well 3 pairs of arms are better than two (smiles).

*Ivan gets home and his dad isn't home so he calls him

Ivan: dad where are you this time. Stuck in the bathroom (smirks)
Dr Carson: no Ivan I'm helping the Rivera's move their stuff they moved today
They're coming to have dinner with us act matured

Ivan:says the guy with a collection of tiara's
Dr Carson:I do not have a collection of tiara's Ivan
Ivan: yea yea that's what I said(hangs up)
Dr Carson:(turning to Stella) teenagers huh!?
Stella: tell me about it (rolling her eyes)
Ok I think we're done. Thank you Dr Carson
Dr Carson: oh call me Carson. Any time.dinner will be ready in an hour at my place you're invited
Stella: thank you Carson (smiling radiantly while walking him outside)
*2 mins later.
Get your lazy ass off the couch and prepare sweetie
Ruby: mum?
Stella: what is it hun
Ruby: will you ever get married again?
Stella:I don't know sweetie. What's wrong?
Ruby: I want a dad (sighing loudly with her face looking down at her laps)
Stella: sweetie pie you don't need a dad I can be both just for you now get dressed and cheer up sugar.(climbing the stairs)

*Ding Dong
Carson: Ivan get the door it's the Rivera's
Ivan: (opens the door)hi
Stella: hey you must be Ivan I'm stel...
Ivan: I already know who you are apparently my dad won't stop ranting about the beautiful Stella(smirks)
Carson:(blushes) welcome to my abode


Ivan:Are you gonna be glued to your screen or were gonna have an intro
Ruby:(with little or no interest) naa I'm busy
Ivan: if you say so(walking towards the hallway and switches off the Wifi walking back to the couch and sits down and smirks)what about now
Ruby: whatever (rolling her eyes)
Ivan: yea keep rolling your eyes maybe you'd find your brain behind there
Ruby:wow classical comedian (sending glares at him)
Ivan:yea I know. Maybe I should be a comedian by the way I'm Ivan im 17 the hottest boy Alive
Ruby:yea right (rolling her eyes)
Ivan: which school are you gonna you attend?!
Ruby: Greenfield spring high school
Ivan: hmm fantastic now you can admire my handsomeness every where
Ruby:(staring unbelievably at this guy)wow you don't now how happy I am (she replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice she wished she could slap this deranged teenager)
Ivan:I know. But don't crush I have a girlfriend and I wouldn't want to break her heart
*With this she stomped out of the Carson's home to her house
Stella: what's up with her!?
Carson:I guess she's met Ivan(glaring)
Ivan:what (with a mouthful of popcorn)
Stella: don't worry she'll be fine . I think I'll be leaving. Thank you very much for this amazing dinner Carson I appreciate it (smiling brightly)
Carson:Anytime see you next time

Remember this book is a slow burn next episode will be released soon love y'all 🦋❣️

© chivet scribble