

Black Dahlia
I often wonder if this is how the world really works,
I tend to believe that there are still more into it although I can't seem to grasp any reasons to hold on anymore.

Is kindness enough to polish their destructive traits?

Do I also need to look on a black mirror and summon my malice to protect my happiness?

They'd say fiction is better because there's fantasy however they're all dumb enough to show blindness when it is more hurtful inside the so called wonderland.

I've seen a lot of fiction and I had expirienced an unfathomable surge of pain whenever I come to realize what's more that lies to reflect on.
(they slap hard man🤯)

Before reaching such "happy ending" it is a necessity to get shattered into pieces so that you'd be able to fit inside the frame of satisfaction.

Whenever there's a glimpse of them reaching the highest achievements I would get so envy that I wouldn't even try to hide it on my eyes but my action seems to always do the opposite.

To be equal with their stance I start to crumple the ones beneath me however in the end I'll find myself suffocated in grief and guilt. I always choose the bitter taste of being the villain and I would get the same ending of being the victim of my own doings, it's like I offered myself for something worst.

In the end it's just me preparing in a non-existent battle.

I gave up and looked deeper unto their eyes to show how they treated me with cruelty,
I'll accept their pity to use it for my own selfishness and weaknesses however everything that easily came to me like it have always been waiting for my arival just made me evaporate into emptiness as their eyes reflected something that I always failed to see,
or more like it was something that I never wanted to accept.

They're telliing me that I was the fool from the very start,
I was the enemy throughout the journey,
and they were just trying to give me a rope to grip on but I just saw it as a dagger to hurt my unprotected skin,

I was the one who destroys the whole time and the solution were the destruction that I thought.

© Joy