

Âme sœur
I tried many times to forget you, but I never could. I had to stop allowing obsessive thoughts to affect my heart so easily, Yet I failed despite my efforts. Because you, once you visit my mind, always awaken my feelings. What is it to be done? What would it take to efface your memory? It seems to me like an impossibility. Perhaps your reminiscences will follow me forever. Perhaps I shall never be able to unlove you. If we were truly soulmates, then my heart will love you forever. It will love you unconditionally, regardless if you're with someone else, or if we'll never meet or talk again. Even if you'll end up hating me, forgetting me. Even if it hurts sometimes to think about you. I will love you anyway. In this distance, behind the closed door, my love for you will remain unscathed.
Though I cannot approach you because I love you, respect you and the life you're having now. Still I'll carry you with me, wishing for the best and praying for you. This is how I'm bound to love you. I cannot do otherwise. I cannot pretend to not think of you. I cannot forget such a soul Iike you. So let it be, I'll love you like a ghost. I'll be happy and sad. Let it be pain when it requires to be felt. And let it be joy if my heart wants to feel. For if they're all sentiments emerging from my thinking of you, then I'll welcome them with open arms, I'll let them consume me. It's how it's meant to be, my dear. I'll cling to the thought of you. I'll be your forever soulmate.

© Caillou